I have had a life long issue with my body. My sister and I agree it was made worse by our grandmothers constant comments such as “Turn side ways and you will look skinnier (in pictures) and “You know you don’t have to eat all of that.” I still have the scars from self hate and low self esteem.
When I was 16, 5’8, 140lbs, size 7/8 and literally starving, I thought I was fat and ugly. I limited myself to one small low fat meal a day. After dropping a dangerous 10 lbs in 2 weeks I still thought “Just 10 more”. Luckily I realized what I was doing to myself before it caused serious harm.
When I was 19 I began to cut myself with razor blades. I still have the scars and always will, some more visible and prominent than others. I didn’t fully recover until I was pregnant with my second son, I was sad and depressed and I tried to cut myself, but I couldn’t. I made myself, and realized I didn’t like it anymore. One more hurdle jumped.
I always wanted to be a mom. When I was pregnant with both my boys I loved my body, it was big and beautiful and it was growing a baby. After I had my first son I lost 30 of the 40lbs I had gained, yet I still thought I was so fat. After my second son I just gave up, I was fat and hated my body, I gave up on ever feeling pretty again. I went from a size 10/12 and medium, before my first son to size 16 and Xlarge, one year after my second son. I want to join a gym, and start working out, and to feel better about my body. But I know that before I can feel good about my body, I have to accept it. I could be skinny as can be, and I would still find something I thought was ‘too fat’.
I don’t know how to get over that, but after looking at your site I feel better knowing that I am not alone, and realize that everyone woman has to come to terms with her post pardum body in their own way. Hopefully I can come to terms with mine before my children (and future children) begin the cycle of self hate and low self esteem that I have had to travel.
In my second picture you can see three light scars on my stomach from where I cut myself. They are a bit more prominet when pregnant, but thankfully they now blend in with my fading stretch marks, my beautiful badges of motherhood.
My husband says I am beautiful, and I know he means it. I just hope someday I can believe it as well.

Looking at you is like looking in the mirror. Even your story. As a teenager I too was a cutter. I went through five years of depression and anxiety and never thought I’d be a good mom. And yet now at 28, I am a proud and great mom to a beautiful 3 year old daughter. I was anorexic when I was 16-18 and at 5’5″ weighed in at 93lbs. Since having my daughter, I did experience some ppd and had to go on medication – which led to weight gain. I am now med-free and TRYING to lose the weight. It is tough but I am determined…because if anything the exercise makes me feel like a better wife, mother, person. Stick with it. You may not see results right away, but it WILL make you feel better. The site is so amazing. It is incredible how we live in two entirely different places in this world and yet we share such similar stories. Best of luck.
You are a very strong woman to write and post this. You are beautiful! The first step is acknowledging the fact that you need to get better for you and your children, and you’ve done that. Good job mama!
Beautiful! I hope you can grow to believe that yourself, because if you don’t you’re missing out on what the rest of us see. Best wishes.
I think you look beautiful! You are not fat and your body is certainly not ugly. I hope you win the stuggle with your self image. Hugs!
and you have beautiful tattoos, too!
I think your belly is beautiful! Mine looks about the same size, but all strechmarked and flabby. You just need to wear more tummy shirts! :)You go girl!