I am a 22 year old mom of triplets (also non-IVF) I had been married only 2 months when we found out we were expecting. After two ultrasounds of one baby–triplets! I carried them to full term for triplets–36 weeks– and gained 80 lbs. I went from a size 6 to 230lbs on delivery day. After 3 months I was back in my size 6 jeans so I think a lot must have been swelling. Healthy babied did come with a heavy price tag on my body. My abdominals split 6″ apart leaving me at dangerous risk of a hernia. I had to have them sewn back together and got 5lbs of skin cut off as well. I hated my saggy skin every day especially being so young so surgery was not only medically the way to go for me but self esteem wise. Here is my pictures of pregnancy, post partum, surgery and post surgery. Enjoy! I’m baring it all for you. Hope this touches someone like all the other posts have touched me.

This is an old post but I wanted i say that while you look amazing post surgery, you actually look equally amazing pre surgery. My stomach didn’t get that flat until a year PP. Congratulations on such an amazing blessing.