…treatment? (Anonymous)

Stretchmarks treatment?

I was searching on the net and found this site:
https:// michellemarques-tratamentoparaestrias.blogspot.com/search?q= (leave out the spaces)

What do you think? Can this be true or it’s light manipulation? And, does anybody knows something about a new treatment for strecth marks called ROLL-CITTM? Thanks, i’ve participated here before, and i’m looking for some method to make my stretch marks fade, a little at least. Their white but sooooooooooooo visible… Thanks in advance.

4 thoughts on “…treatment? (Anonymous)

  • Thursday, October 30, 2008 at 2:22 pm

    Stretch marks are a permanent break in the epidermal mesh of the skin. That cannot be changed. You can help to fade them and repair/support the skin around them but any treatment (other than plastic surgery) is not going to totally make them go away.

    I have a mobile spa business and this is the #1 thing that women want to know about after they ask about the wrinkles around their eyes. There is no magic solution – including these treatments that take your money and promise removal of stretch marks.

    Keep your skin moisturized, exfoliated and repaired with treatments and products that help to repair the skin cells and promote newer ones (like retinol formulated products) but the real beauty comes from within and can be found in your attitude and your love for yourself.

    Choose well :)

  • Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 12:39 pm

    I use Bio Oil….I originally bought it for my hands as they get incredibly dry with the -35C Canadian winters but I noticed after I bought it that it helps with stretch marks too. I put them on my 1yr old stretch marks and they continued to fade.

    I very much agree with the last paragraph of Dora Locklear (first commenter) especially “but the real beauty comes from within and can be found in your attitude and your love for yourself.”

  • Monday, March 7, 2011 at 5:33 am

    Ok I don’t know if you’ll ever read this but some pp woman covered in stretch marks will! I had them everywhere! Google “Derma Roller” and use it! I purchased one from a cosmetics solutions place. Its a roller covered in 200 small needles you roll across the area and then apply a healing cream. I used 100percent vit E cream. Fades / heals them. Not 100% but a visible difference! Good luck with your mother hood / body journey. X

  • Monday, March 7, 2011 at 5:33 am

    I think It is the same product your asking about.

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