I have posted my story in here once before, but I wanted to share these pictures with my fellow mothers. My little baby boy took his first 4 steps today at 14 months. I found myself elated and a little more than sad all at the same time. I remember reading an article in Mothering magazine about a mother climbing a tree with her adult son and telling the readers about the way he smelled-of sweat. The smell of a teenager. I think of that every time my beautiful daughter has her wonderful almost 3 year old conversations with me and today when my son walked into my arms. Everyone tells you to treasure these moments, but to experience it all yourself seems to make those words of advice so much more beautiful and important. So, here I am treasuring some of the moments. We’re still nursing strong and there is no plan to stop any time soon. The entire shoot was spent with me holding the camera out in front of me and trying to keep him from bending over and latching on just long enough for me to get some shots. Thank you, ladies, for all your stories. I’ve spent so much time reading them all and looking at all your beautiful pictures and feeling so greatful to be a woman.

i LOVE the story you’re referring to! it made me grateful to have a boy & want to have another one! i am looking forward to all of the “boy activities” i have in store for me.
That’s hilarious (about your son trying to nurse while taking the pics)! I hope my daughter and I are still nursing strong at 14 months. At 8 months, there is no end in sight and I’m glad! I love it so much! It’s such an intimate time. Thank you for the story that you wrote of the mother. It’s sad to know my daughter will soon grow up and I must cherish the moments I have while she still depends on me.
I love these pictures, he is perfect and chubby just like my 12 month old who has no interest whatsoever in a bottle, he doesn’t even know what to do with one! He just nurses, but I love it!
Wow mama, those pictures are great.