I am 25 years old. I had my second baby 8.5 months ago. I look at my body and think “wow i don’t look as BAD as i thought i would after my second but I look nothing like I did 5 years ago haha.” Then again, I haven’t stopped breastfeeding yet…So, I don’t know what my breasts will look like. Sometimes it makes me sad to think about what they might look like but I know I am doing the best for my baby. I do have a hard time looking at myself in photos because I think I look so much bigger than I have ever. Maybe time will make it a little better but I dont know. I honestly feel exhausted and have not started working out so not loosing weight is my own fault. I get really hungry also because I am breastfeeding and the extra weight will not come off!! Well here are my photos, not sucking in or anything – gut out and everything! I think I still look 5 months pregnant and I have back rolls! I guess that’s the shape of a mother :)
~Your Age: 25
~Number of pregnancies and births: 2
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 3 years old & 8.5 months baby

OMG! You have zero stretch marks!!! You’re so lucky! With a little time and some work, that weight will come right off. Start a small routine – even 15-20 minutes a day, and you’ll notice a big difference! PS – your skin also looks super smooth and flawless!
“Extra” weight aside (and really, what is “extra”? You don’t look very large to me!), you have beautiful skin. It’s very smooth and evenly toned, and I hope my belly looks that good after I give birth (I’m 7 months right now). I think you look beautiful :)
And good for you on still breastfeeding!
I think you look radiant! Your skin is flawless and beautiful and you have everything to be proud of. Great job breastfeeding and trying to accept your motherly figure.
You’ve got to be kidding me! That’s all. Your skin looks so soft and supple…not one visible stretch mark. I guess everyone has their own body issues. I have absolute faith that you will be able to have a fantastic post-baby body with a little healthy eating and some exercise. Keep us updated, post new photos when that time comes. Good luck to you…I don’t see what you’re worried about, you look great!
Lots of people say you keep about 5 pounds for breastfeeding but so far, I have kept about 10 pounds each time! My boobs looked really gross after breastfeeding my first, but for the last five months of pregnancy 2, when I got my break from it, they inflated back up and looked good again. Who knows what they will look like when I’m all done (especially since I plan on having six kids!)
LOL you really look great! Especially for two kids!!
You look very feminine and sexy to me! Babywearing is a great way to ‘exercise’ and get life done at the same time. Check out http://www.thebabywearer.com for more. It really helped me AND my baby!
HELLO BEAUTIFUL SKIN!!! you look great
You are sooo lucky for not having stretch marks..
I got them all over the place LOL!!
You do look good for your 2nd cub.. You should be greatful!! Keep it up!!
You look awesome–and you have a great attitude, btw! :)
WOW! You have really great skin! :)