Having kids was the best thing that happened to me. Looking in the mirror was the worst! I develop acne and the worst stretch marks ever. I have seen alot of your pictures and still i feel like i’m the worst. My first child was at the age of 16,and the second one 17. CRAZY right? But anyway things truly happen for a reason so I wasn’t worried at all. I just thought that if I just work a little bit harder, it would be ok. BOY DID I WORK…STILL WORKING! I had little to no family or friends to help me, all I had was my boyfriend and I.So we did what we had to do, and now i’m proud to that we graduated high school,in college, and have good jobs. We both love spending time with the kids, so we made up a time out the day strictly for the family and nothing else.Many people in our lives never thought we would make this far, plus we’re both African Americans so statistics say the same. I have a beautiful baby girl and a toddler boy I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. I’m really proud to say I have “The Shape of a Mother.”

You look beautiful. Remember your daughter when you have the days when you want to say negative things to yourself. Your daughter hears it. She learns the real meaning of beauty from you. Same with your son. He learns what a real mother and woman is through you. Your children hear you. Your belly looks great! And if you ask me, the fact that you’re AA helps you along! Being white the stretch marks just seem to stand out all the more (being red and all against a white canvas). Congratulations to you and your husband for not fulfilling a statistic! Your children will be so proud of mommy and daddy someday!
I give you an your man props. Its time that black families start beating the statistics. You two did what you had to do and your making it. I think God will reward you in the end. Keep working hard. You look great and as long as you and your family thinks so that’s all that matters.
You’re beautiful! :)
Congrats, u look beautiful. I was teen mother too (pregnant at 16 baby at 17) and my daughter is now 19months and were all still going strong, daddy included. So its not always a bad ending and people need to realize that.
Good for you little sister. Your story sounds like mine. I was a teen mother and I used that situation to prove a lot of people wrong. I’m in my 30’s now and I love my life and my family. I still have family members who say they didn’t think I could do it and they are proud of who I have become. My kids, my husband, all that we have accomplished and acquired, we are raising some amazing, intelligent, respectful kids. We are very comfortable financially, we aquired a level of success in our early 20’s that most people don’t achieve until their 30’s. It took a lot of hard work and just having the attitude of not letting anything hold you back no matter what people say. Let the hater be your motivator is what I say. And I know if I can anybody can. Keep up the good work, don’t give up, and above all else be the best mother you can be :)