MySpace and Breastfeeding

I thought since I have a MySpace site for this website and since many moms find SOAM through MySpace and since this is a women’s issue, I would take part inthis activism.

I heard about this just now, popped in to MySpace to check in and I see this message! LOL I’m just forwarding this on. I’ve already signed the petition.


A Virtual Nurse-In* has been started in response to deleting countless pictures and graphics of a breastfeeding child/mother. Yet, the ads on’s very own home page normally contain scantilly clad women and finding young children in barely there clothing is no hard task. We are asking that the Myspace staff recognize the fallacy of this policy. If every state allows a woman to breastfeed in public without a law being broken*, then why does have an issue with it?

If you want to participate, please make your main myspace picture one of you nursing (or whoever). If you dont have one, or are uncomfortable putting up pictures of your children, there are many “icon” type pictures out there.

Here is the petition you can sign to tell Myspace that breastfeeding pictures are not obscene. Please sign and pass it to others.


This petition is in response to Myspace users having pictures of a nursing child deleted. Our goal in signing this petition is to open the eyes of not only the men and women who run, but also to the public that there is NOTHING offensive or indescent about a mother and child nursing. Breastfeeding is a natural thing and is something that no woman should be made to feel embarrassed about. It is legal in EVERY state to breastfeed in public where any woman and child have the right to be. It is sad that even in this day and age that a woman is expected to retreat to a bathroom or her vehicle to feed her child because it “offends” someone. Myspace has been deleting countless pictures and graphics of a breastfeeding child/mother, yet the ads on their very own home page normally contain scantilly clad women. Not only that, but finding young children in barely there clothing is no hard task. We are asking that the Myspace staff recognize the rights of its users to post their pictures of breastfeeding proudly. If every state allows a woman to breastfeed in public without a law being broken, then why does Myspace have an issue with it?

Click Here to Sign!

*Not sure if that bit is 100% true.

4 thoughts on “MySpace and Breastfeeding

  • Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 12:31 am

    i already signed the petition as well.
    i’ll put my favorite nursing picture up as my main photo too. :)

  • Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 4:18 pm

    Seriously, why is it OK for 13 year-olds to join and post pictures of themselves in panties and bras, but mothers can’t post pictures of themselves using their breasts for their original purpose? And then, as you mentioned, their ads alone are a mockery of whatever it is they think they’re protecting their visitors from seeing.

  • Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 8:36 pm

    What’s funny is that on the same day this was posted I was participating in a long thread, in the relationships forum on myspace, about public breastfeeding.

    I think I won it, lol.

  • Sunday, November 11, 2007 at 10:12 am

    can someone give me a link to some breastfeeding pics or graphics to put on my myspace.. I signed the petition but.. I like to rock the boat. lol.. wish I had some of my own from when I nursed my twins.. that sure would have gotten a reaction. thanks

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