~Age: 28
~Number of pregnancies and births: 2
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: Baby #1: 2 years. Baby #2: 6 months
Here I am. Almost six months after the birth of my second daughter. Complete with stretch marks, sagging skin, extra weight, and everything just…misplaced, for lack of a better word.
I had two babies in less than two years, my second being rather large. To say I got stretch marks is an understatement. I have been drenched in stretch marks! I remember when I was pregnant with my first daughter and the stretch marks starting popping up, and the weight piled on. As ashamed as I almost am to admit this, I was sad and upset. I remember crying as I was trying on maternity clothes, thinking about how my body would never be the same. By the end of the pregnancy my entire abdomen, hips and thighs were covered in stretch marks, despite every effort by me, covering myself in every cream and body lotion I could find. Nothing worked. I was just predisposed to get these things. By the time my second daughter came along the stretch marks had faded. But she, being her strong-willed and determined self, added her own marks. While my first daughter decorated my stomach (now nicknamed her “old apartment” by my husband) with mostly vertical stripes, my second was much more creative. She added horizontal lines, squiggly lines, and extended the vertical ones even higher. She was much larger than my first daughter, so the saggy skin was greatly intensified. I would look in the mirror at my post baby body and cringe. I would think, how on Earth could my husband EVER find this attractive?!! But, oddly enough, he somehow does.
Something happened recently that has entirely changed my outlook on my body, my flaws, and my “ruined” abdomen. This story is very sad, but I wanted to share it because it was been so inspirational to me.
On Christmas Eve, 2010 my twin sister found out that she was pregnant. I remember her calling me just minutes after the two lines appeared on the pregnancy test. She was excited, and scared, and a little in shock, as most newly pregnant women are. Her pregnancy progressed well. Everything was fine and uneventful. I remember the day that she got her first stretch mark. She called to tell me about it, and she was EXCITED! She was actually HAPPY about it! She said that that stretch mark showed that her baby was growing. That was the most important thing to her. She was not upset in the least. She was thrilled that her pregnancy was progressing, and that her baby was getting bigger. She had been having premonitions that something wasn’t quite right, and that her baby wasn’t big enough. Everyone, her doctors included, assured her that everything was fine. To her, that stretch mark was just more reassurance that her baby was, in fact, growing.
Tragically and suddenly, at almost 37 weeks pregnant, my sister lost her baby. The details are incredibly sad, so I won’t share them all. She had to deliver her baby and say goodbye. It was, without a doubt, one of hardest things I can ever imagine someone having to go through. After she had been released from the hospital, and was sent home, she was telling me how her abdomen had shrunk down so much. How strange that felt…that her pregnant belly was gone, and she was left feeling completely empty. She said that she still had just that one stretch mark. I asked her if it made things harder to look at it. She said no. She said that her one stretch mark would always be proof that her baby existed. Those words stuck with me, and will stay with me forever.
Now I look at my stretch marks and saggy, floppy skin quite a bit differently. I was BLESSED with the opportunity to carry my babies full term. I had healthy, full term pregnancies, and I was rewarded with two, big babies. Sadly, so many women aren’t this fortunate, which I’ve now seen firsthand. I’ve realized that the sacrifice of my more youthful and skinnier body has been more than worth it.
My sister’s pregnancy was the only time she was given with her baby. I know that she will remember and truly cherish the memories of every kick, every hiccup, every elbow jab. Now I feel that because I was lucky enough to bring my babies home, feed my babies, cuddle with my babies, and raise my babies, the last thing I should do is complain about my less than perfect mid-section.
When I look in the mirror now, do I think my body is pretty, or attractive? No, definitely not. But this body has been through a lot in the past two and half years. Two births in 23 months, a combined weight gain of over 70 lbs, 18+ months of breastfeeding. It takes its toll, and I am grateful for all of it. I’m PROUD of what my body has done and, most importantly, what it has given me. My pregnancies were, by far, the most exciting times of my life. I often miss the moments of pure excitement and anticipation. I miss rubbing my pregnant belly, and bonding with my baby before she was even born. Both pregnancies were such specials times that I will always look back on with so much fondness.
My little niece, who I was never lucky enough to meet, and my incredibly amazing sister have taught me so much and inspired so many, and I wanted to share this story with you. These stretch marks are here to stay, and that’s fine with me.

Amazing and inspiring story! Thank you for sharing you and your belly! Its absolutely beautiful!
amazing story!! absolutly amazing!
Your belly look sooooo much like mine!
Thank you for reminding me of how truly blessed I am. My belly looks like yours without the stretch marks but with some additional wrinkles around my belly button and a roll of fat over my c-section scar. I’m in my second pregnancy now and I needed to read this tonight, thank you! Sending strength and peace to your sister and I pray that she gets a second chance at motherhood. You are beautiful and your daughters are blessed to have you as their mom!
This story moved me. Brought tears to my eyes. With a smile on my face. I loved what your sister said. You are beautiful! Marks and all!!!
Wow… thank you for this story and perspective.
this is such a heartwrenching post. it’s beautiful. thank you so much for sharing, and I wish your sister all the best in the world.
this is the most amazing story i have ever read. it makes me think of my scars in a whole different way. thank you soo much for sharing this. your sister is so strong. i would have never been able to survive that..”She said that she still had just that one stretch mark. I asked her if it made things harder to look at it. She said no. She said that her one stretch mark would always be proof that her baby existed.” that is the most beautiful thing i have ever read.. and your belly is so beautiful. its just like tiny little baby-finger paint strokes:) & you really do have the prettiest skin tone, and hands… thank you so much for sharing this story and god bless you, your beautiful baby girls, your sister and her beautiful baby princess in heaven<3
Oh my goodness, this is beautiful.
What an amazing, heartbreaking, yet inspiring story. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished–the things are bodies do are practically unreal sometimes!
What an amazing story. I’m glad I read it. I lost over 100 pounds and have a similar stomach–loose skin, stretch marks, but didn’t have a baby to get them. It’s hard–some days are worse than others–I want to be happy with my body and accept it the way it is.
that is such a beautiful story. i only had a few stretchmarks but reading this does make me appreciate them and being blessed with a beautiful healthy girl. thanks so much for sharing.
So precious.. This story really helps me appreciate my world.
Thank you so much for sharing. Its a beautiful and inspiring story. Im sorry for yours and your sisters loss. your story made me realize how unimportant my sagging skin, stretch marks n so on really are. I am greatful for my babies and know what our bodies have gone through,amazing, bringing babies into this world. Thanks again ;) much love and God bless you and your family
I love your attitude towards your stretch marks. I think you have helped a lot of women with your story of loss and what’s really important. Thank you so much for sharing it…
Amy, I’m friends with your sister. We lost our daughter, too, which is how your sister and I “met” online. What an amazing tribute this is to her and her daughter. I shared this with friends who felt that it was beautiful. You are such a supportive and loving twin. I hope to meet you some day.