Here I am 4months pp. I love this site. I actually stripped myself & my son down & ran into the bedroom to take pics to add. I didn’t gain a pound until 6months. Then I gained 40. I had too much fluid around my son, adding to my stretched belly & a very short waist. I’m only 5’1″! My breasts are a bit deflated, but not much different than before. I was a 36F before pg, not sure what I am now. They didn’t really grow during pregnancy, thank god. I’m beginning to come to terms with my new “mommy body” thanks in part to this wonderful project!!

Updated here.
You. Are. Gorgeous!
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. I especially love the one of the tiny baby feet in front of the stretch marks. So perfect.
I love the picture of baby feet over stretchmarks. It reminds me of my baby and battlescars. It is absolutely beautiful.
Great idea taking the baby! You look great!
I never ever comment, on anyones, but I had to on yours. I have to say your entry brought tears to my eyes. I love how you got your son and took pictures with him. I am 5months pp and still cannot come to terms with my body. Im 5’1 and weighed 93 pounds when i got pregnant, and was 155 when I gave birth. Pregnancy took a huge toll on my body but reading your post makes me realize I have nothing to be ashamed of. Your an amazing person.
i just recently discovered this website and i love it but ur story and pics made me teary eyed. ur amazing thank you and ur mommy body is beautiful