I’ve been a mum since I was 19. I’m only 5’4″ and I’ve never been thin, always struggled with my weight and body image. With my 1st pregnancy I gained over 45lbs. 19 months later I had my 2nd son at home after gaining over 55lbs. I went from a size 10 before babies to a size 16 after two. It took a divorce and 3 years to lose 55lbs and I was back into a size 10. Six years after my 2nd I had my 3rd son. I only gained around 35lbs that time, and after he was born I lost all the baby weight and more after about a year, getting down to a size 6 or 130lbs. Here I am now pregnant with my 1st girl! I’m only 30 weeks and already gained 30lbs. Dr. said I’m on track to gain around 40lbs but he’s not worried about it so I’m trying not to worry. All my stretch marks came from my 1st two pregnancies. You can see they have darkened up during this pregnancy but I’m sure they’ll fade again. I’m not worried about losing weight again, I’ll be breastfeeding and with good diet and exercise I know the weight will go. I do hate to think about the sagging I’ll get. After 3 my belly was just a saggy jelly roll so after 4 who knows what will happen. I am so blessed to have had 3 healthy boys and a healthy pregnancy this 4th time, I’ll happily take the saggy stretch marked belly in return! Thank you for putting this site together, after reading the posts and seeing the pictures here I feel happier than ever to have this body!

Updated here.
to have 3 children already and be pregnant with a 4th, you look absolutely amazing. Genes play a huge ppart in how a body reacts to pregnancy, and yours has reacted beautifully – God’s blessings upon you as you progress with this new child.
you are absolutely beautiful! your children are a definite blessing, and it’s a great thing being able to give life to such beautiful beings.
my first thought was “wow!”
You are truly beautiful.
On the upside, you have awesome boobs! I’ve 37 weeks with my #4 (all girls) and am quite worried about what my belly will be after. I may have an overhang, yech.
You really look amazing after 3 and I’m sure you will after number 4 is born! You are beautiful.
Wow! YOu look beautiful and you do have awesome breasts! Congratulations!!!
You look amazing after 3 kids! Your last pp pic looks great! I think #4 is only going to add to how great you look.
you look great. my body is alot like yours, ive been self conscious about my breasts, but they look great on you!! i guess mine arent so bad after all :)