(Originally submitted on 3/28/07)
I found out about my third pregnancy about 5 weeks ago. I am losing my baby now. I was so excited and I was going to post a nice big bellied picture, I never took pictures with the other two, and I do get to be quite large around my eigth month. I am in total shock. I had normal pregnancies with the first two, now 7 and 5. I am so sad. But, this is part of my healing process. Here are my pictures, at 6 weeks and 8 weeks. No big belly shots for me this time. I thank you for your site, and I hope you will post this. I will always believe I was a mother of three for at least a little bit.

I’m so sorry that this wee baby is leaving you. Such a lovely mama belly.
And yes, you *are* a mother of three and you always will be. I’m currently 7 months along in my fifth pregnancy and I have two living children. I lost my second child in the first trimester and my fourth child at full term, shortly after birth.
Blessings to you as you heal.
I recently lost a baby. It was our 4th pregnancy after 3 completely normal pregnancy/births. It was a shock and very sad. Thank you for posting. I wish I would have taken a picture of my belly before we lost the baby at 12 weeks.
I am so sorry for your loss. And yes, you are a mother of 3. I have been pregnant 4 times and two of those pregnancies ended in miscarriage. I still believe I had 4 babies….only 2 made it full term and I am so greatful for my two sweet little kiddies. I told them that they each have a guardian angel watching over them. I miscarried before each of them (one miscarriage at 8 weeks and one at 14 weeks).
Best of luck in your healing process.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry that you are losing a baby. I had 3 losses before my daughter. I am pg again with a boy and will always say I am the mother of 5…2 I met face to face…the other 3 God met.
You most certainly are the mother of three. I am so sorry for your loss. Love and light to you.
I’m so sorry! I feel like I could have wrote this. I am in the middle of a miscarriage as well (this is my 3rd pregnancy) and I understand your shock. I also have 2 beautiful children who had easy pregnancies.
I know there is a reason for all this!
am sorry for your loss. 5 mos and 2 days ago i lost a baby also. after 4 mos i get pregnant, and 1 day ago i lost it once again. i didn’t lose hope that am going to get pregnant again and am sure if the times come, its for us and it will be ok. whatever happened, there is always a reason and only God knows…