I blacked out my face from the following pictures only because I am a bartender and do not want people to see what lies under the clothes. I am very proud of my post pregnancy body. I have many many strech marks from breasts, to belly, butt, thighs, even knees. When I was 19 I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, young and scared I was a little nervous about the whole idea. But I got used to it, what I am still not used to is finding out at 19 I had conjestive heart failure. I have had it now for 11 years and I am doing a lot better but not quite as good as I would like to be. My daughter was born with SVT so her heart rate was 360 at the time of delivery. I gained the least of all my pregnancies with her a massive 70 pounds. I had fluid EVERYWHERE 15 lbs in my lungs and my legs were so big (that is where the strech marks came from). When you sit and think about what you body has gone through you have to be amazed that you even came through. I have had two other children since then and I my youngest at the time the pictures were taken was only 20 months old.

Wow! You look great!! Your body looks just like mine, even the stretch marks which are barely noticable by the way. I was always embarrassed to wear a bikini because of my marks but seeing you rock one makes me realize that it looks good! Thanks for being an inspiration! Congrats on your babies! PS: your bikinis are so cute!!
Wow! you look fantastic and I don’t see a single stretchmark that you speak of!
I am a 29 year old mother of three, too, diagnosed with systolic heart failure with my last pregnancy. This is more a comment on that, though I do have to agree with you that your body looks great – I thought they were pre-pregnancy photos! I didn’t see the stretch marks you mentioned. . .But your story also gives me hope as I would love to have more children but everyone tells me it’s impossible, or at least, very doubtful. Please send me an email – I’d love to ask you more.
~Sabrina Specialscar@gmail.com
You have an awesome body! I am jealous! I would kill to look like that.. seriously, don’t worry about your body, you look beautiful!
Oh my god your body looks just like mine-I am 26 and have 2 kids and I hate my stretch marks on my legs so much…maybe one day I will get in a bikini again!