Hi, I was 16 when I found out I was pregnant with my son. after a otherwise great pregnancy at 34wks and 4days my water broke and I was taken to the hospital. I was in labor for 63+ hrs wth no meds except antbiotics I only dilated to a 3 and he didnt move down and I ended up having a c-section. When my son came out all I can remember is not being able to hear him crying. He was rushed to the NICU. Although he was 6lbs 5ozs he could not breath on his own. He was in the NICU for 2wks. The hardest thing I have ever done is leave my son there everyday. Right after I turned 18 I found out I was pregnant again. I was so scared my son was only 9m old. But I had a pretty good pregnancy. And after 38wks and 1day my baby girl was born after 18+ hrs of labor via c-section I was tryig for a VBAC but the same thing happend I only dilated to a 3 and she didnt move down. She was a healthy 8lb 3oz big girl. Then 5m after I had her I found out I was pregnant again. With another baby girl. When i found out i was already 8weeks. I am now 32wks and I am going to have her via c-section. In December. 4m before I turn 20. The only think I can really say is that at least i’m not doing this on my own I dont live with my parents me and my BF live alone and he works HARD so I can stay home with the kids. I love him to death and I dont knw what I would do without him. Here are pics of my babies and me at 21wk.

Aww your babies are so darling! Congratulations on your third baby! That’s an amazing responsibility and blessing! Congrats! :D
wow and i thought i was young when i had my third 2 days before my 23rd b-day goodluck im a stay at home mom while my husband works its fun with the kids :)
WOW! I thought I was alone. I’m pregnant with my third. I’m due March 28, 2009 and I’ll be 20 this Sunday. I will have three strong boys! I was going to school to be an MA last year and had to put that on hold. My boyfriend takes cares of us too and I’m grateful for him as well. All I can say to you as a fellow young mother is to KEEP YOUR HEAD HELD HIGH!!! I know how hard it can be, and people can be so judgemental at times but little do they know that our little bundles of joy are blessings. It is an indcredible responsibility that we, just like all mothers who take care of their children should be commended for. Thanks for helping to give us a good name! All the best, and Congrats to you:)
I thought I was the only one… I found out with my first daughter that I was pregnant at 16 and had her 3 months after my 17th birthday. Then when I was 20 I found out I was pregnant again.. had her at 2 months after my 21st. And ONLY 3 months later, i found out i was pregnant again, on the pill! Finally a baby boy, due on 2.28.09. Im terrified. Their dad works very hard while i stay home home with our kids.. But the thought of 3 little ones scares me. It still hasnt sunk in, and im 3 weeks away from giving birth. Good Luck to You