Finally accepting ME (Anonymous)

I struggled with my weight all my life. Raised by a single mom who worked two jobs, my diet consisted of mac n’ cheez and Little Debbies. By 19, at 5’3″, I weighed 170 pounds and was pushing into plus sizes. I did the Weight Watchers thing before marrying my high school sweetheart in 2001 at 21. That helped me lose about 35 pounds, but I was still unhappy. When I got pregnant with my first daughter in 2001, I was terrified of what the pregnancy would do to my body. I gained about 30 pounds, back to the weight I was before Weight Watchers, ugh! But something beautiful happened within me during pregnancy and after giving birth. I realized, this body isn’t just for showing off anymore, nor has it ever been. I decided to make changes for my DAUGHTER, not for me. Whatever body image I had, I would pass on to her. Did I want her to live in a relationship of hatred to the body she inhabited, as I had all my life? NO! I immediately began changing the way I thought about myself, the way I judged myself, pulling at wrinkles of fat around my waist in the mirror. Instead, I began loving me. I adopted a vegetarian lifestyle, began working out, STOPPED saying the “F” word (you know which one I mean, the one BAD word women use WAY too much), and began choosing a more positive route, for me and future generations of women. Guess what. Today, after 2 daughters, I weigh … heck, I don’t know!! One step in accepting ME for ME was getting rid of those stupid judgemental scales! What’s more important is – I’m happy with who I am. I do yoga, run, lift weights, haul two kids around in a bike cart. I use my body and my words about my body positively. After all, all I have to do is look at my beautiful daughters and know, my body must be good to do something like that!

2 thoughts on “Finally accepting ME (Anonymous)

  • Sunday, August 12, 2007 at 4:22 pm

    What a great attitude you have, thanks so much for sharing your story. You look really good too, you’re proof that eating well and exercising does wonders for your body.

  • Monday, August 13, 2007 at 12:42 am

    I do the same thing! I never look at scales! They’re very deceptive. Muscle weighs more than fat, so they can make you feel bad about yourself when your body is healthy!!! You look fantastic btw! I hope I look that way after my second! It looks like we’re built very similarly! Oh and good job dropping the F-bomb! It’s so ugly on people! I just cringe when women say it. It’s very–masculine and ugly and so negative. It just makes me feel angry when people say it LOL! Good job, mommy! Sounds like you’re doing the right thing–for your daughters and for yourself!

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