I’m 20 years old, 36 weeks pregnant, and pretty content with most parts of my body. I’ve sported stretch marks on my stomach since about 13. I wasn’t “fat” by any means, but nature decided I’d be growing a little early. I was of course mortified by them for a long time, until I became pregnant. Along with that I had small, uneven, and “saggy” breasts. I read a lot of stories on here about those who are and are not okay with their bodies, some sporting stretch marks and other pregnancy battle scars, some were a clean canvas, no show of pregnancy whatsoever. I was skeptical about posting my story and my pictures in fear of someone I know seeing them, and then I remembered that this is me, nothing will change that. Brad was in love with my body and the miracle of life it was holding and t wasn’t until I read a few stories, on this site and others as well, of people who have lost children, cannot carry children themselves, etc. that i realized these marks i bear are a blessing. I have come to love my mama stripes and the breasts that will soon nourish my child. I love running my fingers down my belly and look for the constantly changing patterns of faded to the growing and glowing pink. I try and remember which ones I had pre-pregnancy and look for the most recent addition on my sides. I recently noticed I also have vertical ones as well, small, but casually marching themselves over the other ones. When sporting the bare belly to family members they are mortified…I think I am more annoyed with them than my stretch marks. I must say pregnancy itself is very uncomfortable, and I have yet to endure childbirth, but I know it’s all going to be worth it in the end. And I’m glad I’ll be able to walk away saying that I’m proud of the body pregnancy gave me, no matter how unattractive it may seem.

Wow, that was a great post! you sound like a strong woman and are very inspiring…thanks for sharing! and you have a gorgeous full, round mama body…reminds me of the earth and moon, so powerful.
You are gorgeous! Good luck with the birth, i have the feeling you will be a great mummy! x
Wow, what a great post!! You look as beautiful as you write! You look great sexy mama!
Wow you are a BEAUTIFUL woman! Both inside and out! What a strong woman. You have a beautiful shape! Lovely! I hope that you have a safe and wonderful delivery. Please update us with pics. :D
I am inspired by yo I swear I look just the same and am going to post some pics on here I hope it helps my self esteem, because I look at you and all I see is pure beauty. You are a beautiful mommy to be.
Thank you for being so brave and positive and reminding me that bearing children is a gift. Congrats!
you have the shape of the earth mother
its very beautiful
Thanks for sharing! I have always struggled with my body image- grew up curvier and with stretch marks. I have to say, it’s inspiring to see so many beautiful, natural women post here (especially you!). And you do have the shape of of a fertility goddess. Just beautiful.
how sweet, i love preggo pics!! theyre just beautiful! you look genuinely happy and proud to be an almost monny! congrats!
You look stunning, my wife is 12 weeks and I simply cannot wait for her to show carrying our baby, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world