Hi, my name is Rebecca. My first pregnancy was when I turned 17. I gained 65 pounds with my daughter. And had my second child with a total of 45 pound weight gain. I too have stretchmarks. Although after 8 years they are hardly visable. It is possible to “bounch back” back better than before even after 2 children. I became a professional glamour model and pin-up afterward. Now, I am pregnant with my third child, only 8 weeks but I am concerned just like many of you about what will this do the third time around??? I think I may have just gotten really lucky! I am proud of my body after my children, I have curves that I never knew existed. Anyway, I wish I had tummy pics of while is was pregnant, but I just have the one. The modeling photo is me 6 years after my youngest was born.

Oh my god! How did you do it?! Did you have stretch marks all over your stomach? You look 100 times better than me even before I got pregnant! Im soo jealous :(
Whats the secret?
Yeah i must admit you look fantastic, i hope i look as good in afew years.. i just posted my pics “touched by an angel left with scars of love” and i must say your stretch marks are not visible at all
Cheers to you and your beautiful children, and the little on the way!
take good care of yourself, they say zinc supplementing can reduce the likelihood of gaining stretch marks because it helps the elastin in the skin to stretch without breaking. I read that in a science article by the way. So if that helps let us know
I’m curious if the modeling photos are airbrushed? I won’t take them down, but I know professional modeling photos often are and for the purpose of the website it would be nice to know :)
Thank you for posting these pictures! I’m currently 11w pregnant with my first baby and I am scared to death of what I am going to look like afterwards. I have alot of pride in my body and take great care of it. I work out 5x a week, am fit and in shape and it’s scary to think that my body will be out of my control for so many months. But it gives me hope after seeing pictures like yours that I can bounce back and have the same cute figure as I do now. Thanks for sharing and all the best to you and your kids.
You look so amazing!
Whether or not I can see the stretch marks in the photos, it’s good to know that models have stretch marks, too!
Also, these pictures are encouragement to not let the fact that my body ain’t what it used to be excuse me from trying to stay healthy and keep exercising. I had GD with my first child, and I want to reduce my risk for the next go-round.
Hey, Rebecca here, the one in the pictures. Thank you all for your kind words. I just had my third child 2 weeks ago today. I managed not to get any new stretchmarks, luckily my old ones didn’t get any worse either. To answer Bonnies question, yes, there are some airbrushing, only on the green photo. And not to my shape, just on the tummy they used a tool to blend any silver stretchmarks. I ended up gaining 50 pounds with this pregnancy. I have already lost close to 30 in the last 2 weeks. So, I will submit a photo of me after I have lost the weight for a third time. Thanks again and Happy New Years to all you beautiful ladies!
Wow, you look amazing. Congrats on your third! Please post more pics if you can, we’d love to see the third time around!
Hi Rebecca,
You look fabulous. I’m assuming you do strength training? I’ve got 2 kids and have also worked hard to stay in shape after kids. So encouraging to see photos of women back in shape after kids! Good job.