I had my first baby at 19, and that’s where I got all my stretch marks. She was 7lb, 14oz and my smallest baby. I started out pregnancy at 150 pounds and was 191 when she was born, in June 2001. My second baby was 9lb, 2oz and was born in August 2004. I started out at 175 pounds and was 210 when I delivered her. My third baby was born in July 2007. She was 9lb, 10oz. I was 190 when I got pregnant and 220 when she was born. My fourth baby (first boy!) was born 9/4/08 and was 8lb, 11oz. I started pregnancy at 211 pounds and was 226 when he was born. As I write this, my babies are 7 years, 4 years, 15 months, and 2 months old. I weigh around 185 pounds. I was alarmed at this rapid weight loss, but the doctor ran blood tests and it turns out all is fine. I chalk it up to great nutritional habits that I developed in my last pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding. (I breastfed all the others well into toddler-hood, but was eating mostly junk and processed foods.) The first picture is me the day before my baby boy was born. I was picking my four year old up from her first day of preschool. I was also in early labor. The next pictures are of me now, 2 months and 2 days after the first picture was taken. I love my body. I wouldn’t change a thing about it. However, it took me years of self-discovery (and self-loathing) to get to this point. I am blessed with an amazing husband who finds me “irresistable” in his words (which may be why we have four children!) and finally, finally the maturity to realize that nothing I do can change who I am, so its useless worrying about it. I can’t change me, so I embrace me, and after years of feeling fat and yucky, I finally love me.

Wow. Four Babies!! You truly are supermom. I hope if i ever have 4 babies I look half as good as you. my post is Making My Way Back to Acceptance.
Wow,I think you look great. I’ve had 4 kids as wel and I don’i look half as good. I had the last little one 12 months ago and I’m still well over 200lbs.
How refreshing to hear that you love everything about your body. When you really think about it– why should we all not? Our bodies are amazing, and you look wonderful. Congrats on the four kids. You really must be supermom!
I agree! It’s so wonderful when we hear women building themselves up instead of tearing themselves down! You are truly beautiful! Inside and out!!! :D
i just had my second child at 23. my first was at 21. my kids are just 18 months apart. i recovered from my first pregnancy fairly well. i still thought i was totally a knockout. but after my son, i have not felt sexy once. not even for a day. i hate my body and feel i will never be the beautiful vibrant girl i was before my pregnacies. I want to be okay wiht my body. i dont want to be obsessed with me weight or looks but its almost impossible to feel good about yourself when you feel like you dont look like yourself anymore. how do i accept that this is the new me?
Hey! What are you doing with my tummy? LOL! I have to admit after having 5 children over the space of 10 years I was a bit put out when my tummy was covered in stretch marks after no 5. It took me 5 years to lose all the extra weight and then I got a saggy pot! Dh just laughed at me and told me to look at it as my babies! Your story sounds much like mine, I started at 19 as well. Im 39 now! You are just beautiful!
I just had my fourth healthy baby girl 11 days ago! My other girls are ages 6, 3, and 17 months. You look fantastic and your self acceptance is inspiring. Kudos to your lovely husband as well! Take care and enjoy your big family.
I have had four children and am expecting my fifth. I am having a really hard time looking at my body in the mirror and not feeling gross. I hope after this baby I will be able to get where you are an love the way I look. I started at nineteen as well and my children are 7,3,2, and nine months. I am due in June with number five. I am 27 and love being a mom just hate the extra weight after the little blessings arrive. You are truely an inspiration.
I would trade my stomach for yours…you look great!
Your tummy looks just like mine! Me and my husband got pregnant at 15 years old. Since than we have had 3 babies 2 miscarriages and are 6wks pregnant now! I am 22yrs old and my hubby tells me I’m sexy everyday, even though I got my “baby reciepts” aka SM. Oh well! Its not like I’m tryin to be on the cover of playboy!