I am a 25 yr old mother of 3 beautiful children. I had my first one at age 19 and jumped right back into my size zero. Know with my 2nd child it took me 14 months to get get to were I was happy. Know with my 3rd child I can not seem to loose any weight at all. I am now 18 months post partum and still have 18lbs to loose. but am activly working on it. the first picture is 4 wks pregnant with baby #3

You look gorgeous! I love your photos!
I love seeing your hair grow throughout your pregnancy! ;)
I think you look great in all these pictures. is the last picture the most recent? you dont look like you need to loose weight at all!
You look wonderful before, during and after your pregnancy. I love the bikini pregnant belly pics. They are adorable and I love the fact that society is finally “accepting” this sort of thing. I rocked my bikini pregnant and got some looks because older crowds frown upon it I guess.
I am proud of my body and I want to wear a bikini. Go ahead and try and stop me! ;)