I only gained 28 lbs in pregancy .Everything went as planed. She was even born on her due date. I am coping with my body after pregancy. I dont mind a few stretch marks. Well I had more but they have almost faded out completly. But I do have the loose stomach. I have lost 15 lbs which has helped that but still it bothers me. Has caused problems with my sex life. But I love My Shelbey so much I would do all over. I think she will be our one and only.

I think you look great. I had my girl 3.5 years ago. (She will be our last child also) It took me 2yrs to get my body back to where it was. You look way better than I did 8mths pp. And your girl is adorable,
hey mama, ain’t nothin much to do about it but wear it with pride. there are plenty of us out there wearing that mama badge. it just becomes a part of you, like the way you smile or any other unique part of you, or also like wrinkles and loose skin, etc. when we get older. the trick is to wear it with grace and have fun! i know there are times when my mantra is: remember! this is real life, not a magazine or a movie! it’s what’s inside that counts and if we learn to work what we feel from the inside out, our personal style and beauty and uniqueness come out, making us a beautiful package with many stories to tell.
I agree, we all carry our badges differently. I think I’m the only 125 pound 23 year old with cellulite, but lol it was completely worth it. Stretch marks and all. Every inch is worth it for our beautiful babies! Shelbey sure is a beautiful little girl! What a blessing! I hope that the issues with your sex life isn’t because you feel ashamed or anything like that. You are a beautiful woman with a beautiful figure. Never forget that!
You’re body looks great! Just so you know, every guy I have talked to likes postpartum bodies better than pre baby bodies. You’re baby is beautiful! And I hope you are not stopping at 1 baby because of your body. I put on 65 pounds with my first and it took me about 6 months to get back to normal. With my second I put on 32 pounds and my body is now 30 pounds less than pre preg with my first! I hope someday you can see what we see. You are beautiful!
you look amazin in all honesty.
I wouldnt even dare post pics of my nude body, the whole site would run away.LOL.
God bless u and your baby!
You look great!! Your baby is gorgeous!