So my beautiful daughter is 6 months old and it just hit me like, “Holy crap! It’s going by so fast already!!!!” I can’t wait to be able to have conversations with her, take her to play on a playground, find out the things she’ll be into, and just see her grow. When me and my husband found out we were having a baby…we didn’t know what to think! Then we went and saw that first ultrasound we were so excited, it was REAL then. Neither of us had a real family of our own, but now we do and we’re so happy; everyday is a new learning experience with our daugther.

wow you look great!
i have a daughter too she is now 9months!but my stomach dont look good like yours does!
i cant wait till i can take my daughter on the playground too!
well good luck with your new family!
take care!
Shes beautiful! Time does fly by! You look great too!
Your Tummy actually looks that good wow your gorgeous take a picture of you breasts thougn
You and your baby are beautiful. I love your pregnant belly. Time does fly, doesn’t it? If that last one is your tummy PP, you look AMAZING! Holy Cow!