the first time i found out i was pregnant i was so excited b/c i was gonna bring a beautiful baby in this world. of course i didn’t know how hard pregnancy could be my first 3 month’s i had bad morning sickness but it got easier and by the time i was 5 month’s it pretty much stopped. but i lost 16 pounds in the first month and only gained 23 pounds during my whole pregnancy i was scared b/c i wanted my baby to be healthy when he was born to my surprise he weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces i named him zachariah and he is worth every stretch mark and pound. i would do everything all over for my son i still have body issues and i don’t like what i see whenever i look in the mirror but i look at him and am so proud of what my body had done. i thank this website b/c it is helping me with my issues of my body.

u look amazing ur baby is SOOOOO adorable!!
You look amazing! The brightness of the stretch marks will fade with time. Be patient and enjoy these first few months! They go by too quickly!
You know what’s cool, your marks look like a flamed heart. I found that I got marks on my breasts, but they are like a tribal sun. Beautiful, cool, and pretty darned neat! And what a sweet smile on that little guy!
Oh what a beautiful little baby!!!!!! HE’S SOOOOOO ADORABLE!!! You look great! So flat and the stretchmarks do fade!
It almost looks like your stretchmarks are forming a heart where your son sat. (just another perspective!) He’s gorgeous and I love the pattern of your stretchmarks! If you can’t see the heart, look at them as two hands holding your son safe while you carried him. :D
You look wonderful and your son is gorgeous!
your baby has such a beautiful smile <3
What a beautiful baby!! Those stretchmarks (or, “pregnancy service stripes”, as I like to call them) will fade – But I am intrigued how they formed a heart right where your sweet baby was! How adorable!!