I am a long time visitor but have yet to get the guts up to contribute. First let me say I loved being pregnant and I can’t stop bothering my husband about getting started with the second. While I am generally happy about my body post partum, I do complain about random stretch marks on my booty (hence the boy shorts which have become a close friend). My husband thinks I am as beautiful as ever and tells me all the time. He says being a mother seperates you from just being a woman. In the pics you will find a 12 and 16 week pic (some of my belly pics from the pregnancy) and some pics we took today. The pics today are just over a year post partum. God Bless!

You should listen to your husband :) You look great! Even better than some women who haven’t even had babies.
Thanks for sharing.
Hey, I am not anonymous, I am Rachel ;).
Thanks for the kind words Trenton.
You look great. So, tell us, what was your secret?
I changed it, Rachel. For some reason, the uploader never tells me any names so I assume people want to be anon until they tell me otherwise. :)
Hi Rachel,
I think you look AMAZING! I wish I was your size…
I also wanted to say that I really love that dress you are wearing…it’s beautiful!:) Thanks for sharing
Hi Rachel. You have a perfect body, huge congrats on your pregnancy! Thanks for sharing your pics…
@Bonnie: Thanks for changing it and letting me be a part of this great site.
@Nikki: No secret. I don’t work out or anything. I have spent my whole life being 105-110 lbs. Everyone deals with their own demons, I assure you that. I have been fortunate when it comes to weight but there is something for everyone.
Wow! You look so hot! Lucky you!!!
You look amazing! This site scared me off having kids because of what it could do to my body.. you gave me hope!
You look amazing! AND you have a baby too, better than a train set, though more expensive, I say!
I was hoping I could post my email along with the description I wrote above my pictures. Is that possible?
My email is rachelsigfried@yahoo.com. I just moved to a new town so I was hoping to make some friends on here since I have so few outside of the “virtual world” at the moment.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from people.