the SmockLady

I blog as the Smocklady ( ) and I don’t publish our real names because of cyberstalkers. I am currently 37 years old and 21 weeks pregnant with our sixth child. I am keeping a photo set at flickr of my belly (mostly from my point of view). This is the first pregnancy I have even taken pictures of my belly, just my belly. Of course we have pictures of me while pregnant with the other children. I have do not have stretch marks, but my hips spread incredibly with my third pregnancy and my breasts have sagged more after each one (due to years of breastfeeding – and would change that for anything). I don’t like my breasts anymore, once I’ve weaned a child – they look like deflated balloons and they just sag. Thank you so much for doing this. Over the years I’ve been able to fall in love with my body for the blessings that have been given to me as a woman, my womanly figured is thanks to my pregnancies, my children. I am more determined to do better after the birth of this baby about getting in shape again. I can do it and I know I can.
Pre-baby weight with number 1: 102 pounds
Delivery weight with number 1: 127 pounds (37 weeks gestation)
Baby weighed 6 pounds
Postpartum weight with number 1: 107 pounds

Pre-baby weight with number 2: 110 pounds
Delivery weight with number 2: 135 pounds (37 weeks gestation)
Baby weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces
Postpartum weight with number 2: 117 pounds

Pre-baby weight with number 3: 112 pounds
Delivery weight with number 3: 172 pounds (35 weeks gestation)
Baby weighed 5 pounds, 2 ounces (we contracted Fifth Disease at 15 weeks and both suffered some complications)
Postpartum weight with number 3: 142 pounds

Pre-baby weight with number 4: 117 pounds
Delivery weight with number 4: 154 pounds (40 weeks gestation)
Baby weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces
Postpartum weight with number 4: 125 pounds

Pre-baby weight with number 5: 117 pounds
Delivery weight with number 5: 156 pounds
Baby weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces
Postpartum weight with number 5: 132 pounds

Pre-baby weight with number 6: 124 pounds
Weight now: unknown, but I feel fairly good
Baby due: November 21, 2006

My Belly

Again, thank you so much for doing this. You are welcome to post as much or as little as you want.

the SmockLady

One thought on “the SmockLady

  • Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 8:28 am

    congrats on your little arrival to come! you have given me much hope to retain my size after baby 3 is born early october. with my son 1 i got up to 172 from 130. with my daughter 2 i got up to 156 from 128 and with baby 3 to be, i have gone from 126 to currently around 158 with still 10 weeks to go. i’m keeping my hopes up that i can bounce back as well as you have! good luck in november!

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