I am 27 years old, and recently gave birth to my fifth child 3 months ago. With each pregnancy I have gained between 50 and 60 lbs and have managed to lose the weight every time. Usually this takes me about 9 months, but with this past pregnancy i worked out during and after birth and only have about 15 more lbs to go. I know many people will look at my pictures and think, what does she have to complain about?, but before i had children I really took pride in the way my body looked, and I have a lot of self esteem issues over each little stretch mark, scar, and extra skin. I have been breastfed all five children, and because those times overlapped i have ended up breastfeeding for 8 straight years, so my breasts are nowhere near as perky as they used to be. But as I look at all my kiddos, I can say with confidence that they are worth it. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I am working hard at trying to accept my body the way it is, and trying to look at my scars as signs of what i have accomplished, instead of flaws. I just wish it wasnt so hard.
Body by Lizzy (Anonymous)
Well, I’m 37 week pg with no.2. My lil girl Elizabeth. I just wanted to share. Growing babies is hard work both inside and out. My first time around was alot harder, this time I’m alot more accepting. I love my roundness, and knowing that I’m making a healthy lil big person. I tend to grow large babies so I get big. AMAZING!!!
Trying to love my new breasts (Anonymous)
Giving birth was the best thing I’ve ever done. I love being a mom more than anything in the whole wide world. Even enough I can accept the little changes to my body. I’ve always been a curvier girl, but never had stretch marks before I was pregnant. Now I have what I call tiger scratches across my belly. Honestly, they don’t bother me. I was all belly when I got pregnant and I was suprised they weren’t worse. I could try all the lotions and potions out there that promise to get rid of them, but I smile at my little reminder that I once held my sweet baby in there. My breasts are now completely different sizes as well. Before I was pregnant I was a small C cup, perky as can be, and I loved them. At the end of my pregnancy and for the first couple months I was an E cup. My daughter has always preferred my left breast. I’ve tried since the beginning to get her to give the other breast a try, but she will only eat on it for a couple minutes (if she’ll even take it) then scream until I give her the ‘good’ breast back. She’s now a little over a year old and is still breastfeeding and still prefers the one breast over the other. My only hope is having another child and praying they prefer the right breast over the left and even me out :D
2 Beautiful Boys and Lots of Stretchmarks (Anonymous)
After delivering my first son I was so upset by all the stretchmarks. In time they did fade but the indentations remained. With my second pregnancy I carried 3 weeks longer and did get a few new ones but it was far less devistating this time around. I am back to my prepregnant weight and feel pretty good about myself. Sure there is room for improvement but I have nurtured two beautiful children through pregnancy and nursing (2 years with the first and 5 months so far with the second). I delivered the second at home with a midwife and I have done what my body was designed to do. My body may never look like those we see in magazines or like those of women who have never had children, and I am okay with that. I AM A MOTHER and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Third Time Mum (Anonymous)
I met my husband when I was 17yrs and he was 21yrs. This September we have been together 18yrs, and married 12yrs We had our first child when I was 23yrs. We were the only ones in our peer group to have a child that young, even though in reality, it isn’t that young! Our oldest son is now 11.5yrs old. My daughter was born 3yrs later when I was almost 27yrs, she is now 8yrs. We had one of each, and thought we were finished having babies. Then, we accidently got pregnant with our third! He has been the light of our lives, we are so blessed to have him join us. The baby was born at home last August, unexpectedly breech (I have included a photo of him with his feet near his head just after the birth!). My body has evolved over the years and the children. I am 5’2″ and in the last 18yrs, I have fluctuated in weight from 47kg – 67kg. I have breastfed all of my children till they were preschoolers, and have birthed all of my babies vaginally. I got stretchmarks each time, but not too many. Just enough to remind me of the amazing job my body has done in nourishing my family over the years. I am happy with my body. Sure, I would love to lose a few pounds, but if I had to stay how I am now for the rest of my life, that would be fine by me. pix are 25wks pg, 38wks pg, 39wks pg, 15 mins after the baby was born at home, and the last two were taken last month, 9.5mths after the birth.
You think you sag… ppppllzzz. (Anonymous)
this is me bending down…I am only 21 years old…my body was very beautiful before… i’ve lost 110 lbs..i have no fat in my body just lots of hanging skin that tortures me every time i look in teh mirror. I’m almost numb from it becuase i don’t beleive i really look like that… I love my baby more then anything in the world and I would yes definatley go through all of this again with the same outcome to have her..but COME on who can look at me and say plastic surgery would be selfish..too bad I can not afford it and probably will never be able to afford it..so I have no choice but to accept this body as I’m sure the majority of mothers can’t. So i live with it every day and will keep doing so … i will spend my wedding night with a top on.. i will look really great in clothes and have a secret underneath them everywhere I go. I wish I had help financially to to fix this..but ya know what..my body is healthy it works well..it keeps me alive every day so i can be there for my baby and beleive it or not i still thank God every day that I have my health and that I made a healthy child. It’s okay to not be 100% happy with what your body looks like.. but just appreciate what is underneath at the same time. I lost all my baby weight..and this was what I got.. so it’s not all about weight out there just so ya know… Honestly though, If it were not for my immense love and appreciation for my daughter I don’t know how I would handle this at all… cuz it’s an ongoing struggle..I see beauty in it..and I see ugliness.. Honestly though if it were not for my immense love and appreciation for my baby I don’t know how I would deal with this..it seems to be my only way to deal with because I am just so happy to wake up everyday knowing I have the most precious gift in the world..i send my love and prayers to all you moms and let you know your not alone out there..it;s okay to not be perfect and to have flaws becuase every one does..
Body Image, Bulimia, and a Beautiful Baby Boy (Katie)
I struggled with my weight all my life. I struggled with a viscous eating disorder that ruled my every moment, and nearly killed me. I was 106 pounds, and had no menstrual cycle to speak of, fainting spells, seizures, ulcers, and heart problems. Eventually I got more confident, thanks to my (now) husband, and started getting healthy. I got to 120 pounds, started ovulating again, stopped drinking, and got happy. After 3 years together, he asked me to marry him. Shortly after that, we got pregnant. Getting pregnant with my baby boy was the most miraculous thing to me. As a teenager, I had a miscarriage. I was not in a place in my life where I could have handled parenthood. I was irresposible, immature, and unhealthy. Regardless, that was MY baby, and it was gone. I was haunted for years about the baby that might have been. I was devastated. when we got pregnant, I was so afraid that it could happen again. My mother had 6 miscarriages before she got pregnant with me. I threw out any lingering eating habits that threatened my child, and put my baby above all else. I had gotten healthy and my binging/purging had mellowed out, but I was still trapped in the cycle. As soon as i knew I was pregnant, however, I threw a wheel in the gears and stomped on the brakes. Part of letting that go was eating frequently, and being comfortable with food because it was for my son. I snacked almost constantly, and refused to let myself throw up. after that many years, it was a hard thing. It was a shock, I had a few panic attacks, and a few crying fits. But i was adamant. It was all in the name of my baby, and that gave me all the strength I needed. I was five months pregnant when we were married. we had to set the wedding ahead, because my great big beautiful belly was so big doctors first thought i was having twins. I gained over 70 pounds during my pregnancy. I went from 120, to 190 the day I gave birth to my beautiful boy. He was my miracle, and every tiny inch of his perfect little life was worth every pound I gained and more. After he was born, I lost 30 pounds almost right away. between hormones, breast feeding, and lack of appetite, they just melted off. But once I got stronger and more active, the weight just stopped going away. my clothes stopped getting looser. It just slowed to a halt. I was upset at first, and in denial. During pregnancy I had been able to snuff my insecurities with my confidence that my body knew exactly what it was doing. I guess I just expected my body to take care of it, and when It didn’t I didn’t know how to handle it. I held as hard as I could to my new found confidence in my figure, and how it had all been for an amazing cause, and there was absolutely no reason to fret at all about my body image. However, bit by bit, I couldn’t help feeling self conscious with my deflated figure, and became really depressed. I realised later that I became self concious and embarrased with my body when we got television. Every bony hip, flat tummy and twig-like appendage beat down my confidence and love for myself. Then, I found this site. I felt embarrassed then. Not for my body, but for ever having sold my soul to the ideals of a SOCIETY with an eating disorder. This whole country, and the entire nations media, has an eating disorder. I feel ashamed that I ever let that influence creep back into my life. I have an amazing, beautiful son who is so smart and happy and loving. I have a great husband, who is nurturing and strong where I am not. I have an amazing family, I LOVE my life, and I vow to never, ever ever put any pressure on food, body image, or that hunger for approval in my children or my own life. I read that article “save our daughters” and all I have to say is if I can protect my family from every “suck in your gut” i will forever be grateful-and all i can hope is that i can raise my children with more strength of character than I had.
Updated here.
Bed Rest After Childbirth / 8 to 14 in a Year (Anonymous)
I had a diffcult pregnancy to begin with where I gained 45 lbs. The birth was worse. 23 hours in labor pushing for 32 minutes before they realized he was stuck. Tried to move him manually (oh by the way the epidural didnt take all the way) causing me to jump and slam my back off the deliever table resoluting in two large herniated disc that the doctors didnt dignoise till 6 months later. so needless to say i’m not able to work it off i’m not even able to lift my baby boy and it tears me up every single day sometimes three times a day!!!! i hate my body i hate myself!!!!
first baby girl (Anonymous)
I had my baby girl June 2nd, 2008. We named her Autumn Elizabeth. She was very much wanted and I was so excited to become a mom. I gained more weight than I had wanted/expected to (I wanted to gain just the 25-35 that is written about…) but i ended up gaining 55 lbs. I went from 125 to 180. I am down to 155 2 weeks postpartum, but want to lose another 15-20 before i have to go back to work. I also hope my belly goes back to semi-normal, I don’t mind a little pooch. I was lucky enough not to get any stretch marks. It is comforting to see everyone else’s bodies and hear their experiences, it helps me not to be so hard on myself.
Coping With Body Changes at 18 (Anonymous)
I am an 18 year old mommy of a beautiful baby girl. I got pregnant when I was 17 and weighed about 140 pounds. I didn’t really gain any weight until right at the end and gained a total of 35 pounds. I always thought that it would be easy for me to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape after Zoey was born because I have always had such a fast metabolism, but she is now 6 months old and I weigh about 168. It’s really hard for me knowing that there are so many gorgeous girls out there that are my age and have great bodies. Thankfully, I have my husband, the father of my baby, here by my side. He is always trying to make me feel better about my body, but it is just so hard, when for 17 years, I’m used to something completely different. Reading all your stories on this website has helped me realize that even though I look way different than I did before, I have something more special than any of those “other girls” do…a beautiful, happy family. It’s also helped me realize that I am not some kind of weirdo for having stretch marks and extra skin. It is a part of life, and everyday I try to remember that I am beautiful, whether it shows on the outside or not. I just want to thank everyone for sharing because it has given me the confidence to do the same…The first couple of pictures show the stretch marks I have on my hips and breasts and I also have some on my back as you can see in the other picture. It doesn’t look like much but I have a ton of marks on my thighs that I didn’t include pictures of. Also I just would like to include a poem I wrote about a month and a half ago. It’s entitled, I am ME.
I am ME
I may not be the most beautiful woman on the outside,
but I try to be on the inside.
I may not have the slimmest tummy,
the perfect breasts,
the most toned legs,
or the greatest butt,
but I do have a BIG heart.
I may not wear the most fashionable clothes or even the best fitting clothes for that matter,
and I may not have the most gorgeous hair,
but I am beautiful when I wear my daughter on my hip.
I may have stretch marks, fat and extra skin,
but these are my battle scars.
They show my strength, my courage, and my faith.
Without them I would be nothing compared to what I am today.
I am ME.