3 thoughts on “083109-ashley-5

  • Monday, August 31, 2009 at 12:11 pm

    Help! I want to know it all! Most important what do you eat? I have been stuck at 5’3″ and 138 pounds forever! I am one that is completely afraid to lift weights b/c it seems when I do my legs bulk up. I love how toned your stomach is.. and want that too! Please email me- jasonkirstin@gmail.com

  • Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 12:37 am

    You look amazing, I am looking in between the 1st and 2nd picture and am hoping to have you final result, you are truly an inspiration, Thanks for sharing!

  • Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 6:12 pm

    Thanks so much for posting your pictures and story. I’ve been doing resistance training for three months now and you are my inspiration! My husband used to weight-lift a lot and wanted to get back into it, so he’s been really helpful in the gym. One just opened up a mile away last fall with childcare which is KEY for me! I’ve been using the workouts from New Rules of Lifting: Lift like a Man, Look Like a Goddess, and it’s thrilling to watch my body change shape… I just never know what’s going to surprise me next, like going down 3 inches on both waist and hips since December, or actually having legs that will look good in shorts this summer. I still have my stretch marks and some belly fat I hope to shed, but all in all I think I might be wearing a real bikini for the first time in my life! I’ve never been fat but I’ve always been self-conscious and now I know that my body can change shape into something I can actually admire. I look better now than before I got pregnant for the first time… I was thinner and perkier, but not as fit and confident! Thank you for the inspiration!

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