Age :23
Weeks PP: 9!
Previous post here.
When I last posted I was 4 weeks pp and very insecure about my stomach. I haven’t lost any weight yet (still 140) but I’m ok with that being I’ve never had a big butt and being that I’m African American I’ve always been made fun of because of it but now I LOVE my new booty!! … One person commented on my post that just by looking at my pictures she was 100% sure that I had Diastasis Recti (separation of the ab muscles) first thought was “what the hell is that” so I started to google. Every picture I saw reminded me of my stomach and through further research the “Tupler Technique” popped up. I have a belly binder that the hospital gave me to wrap my boobs after I had my baby(no I didn’t breast feed!!! Don’t Judge) I cut it into 3 sections and wrapped my stomach while hold in my abs and pushing them’s not the same as the proper diastasis recti rehab splint that is endorsed by the “tupler technique” but hay money is a little tight because we’re until we’re settled that’s what I’ll be doing. I’ve been wearing it for 2 days now and doing transverse abdominal exercises and I already see results!! To all moms PLEASE google this condition before doing CRUNCHES !!! I have a new found confidence knowing that I have this condition and that I CAN fix it..hope this post helps new and old moms

Updated here.
That looks pretty amazing! I was talking to a lady on one of my baby boards and she said that you have to be SUPER vigilant about wearing the binder – she doesn’t sometimes and then she tears all the progress she’s made and is back at square one. :-) But great work mama! I hope you can get yourself back in to top notch condition!!!
Ok so i am stealing your idea! I have a binder i wore after i had my c section, it helped support my tummy after birth but then i stopped wearing it and my stomach sticks out still. I did notice it got smaller after i wore it for a while. I think if i cut mine in to sections it would be more effective. Those splints are pricey, but there is always cheap solutions. Way to go! You look awesome! Super jealous! ?
Thank you! I’ll start Googling now. I see huge results already with you.
Money is still a little tight so I still haven’t purchased the proper splint but I did cut the Velcro on the ends in half and sewed it to both ends of my belly helps it stay in place ALOT better :-)
Great work! I had a diastasis recti after my daughter was born and made a lot of progress by doing the tupler technique. However, watch out! I got the flu a few weeks after giving birth and reseparated my muscles by coughing! Anyway, you look great, I can just see your muscles coming back together.
Where did you find the workouts please I would love to know.
Hi I just read your post and you have given me hope. I just found out that i had diastasis recti 8wks after delivery through c – section. this is my third c section. I was worried that i would have to go through another major surgery.
where do i find further information and workout please
Amazing progress, Queen! I, too, got diastasis after I was pregnant (with twins) and I was SO let down by the idea that I would not be able to change my stomachs appearance after the babies. I followed my instinct because I knew my stomach wasn’t normal and found out about diastasis. I saw the price of modern wraps and was so depressed, like you I couldn’t afford $200-$400 to fix my stomach even if that was cheaper than surgery. I learned about postpartum bengkung belly binding and began to make them, and do small exercises to heal the diastasis. I went from a split bigger than my hand to 1.5 inches today, and I would be willing to help give advice to any other PP mama who is feeling the same level of hopeless! My etsy is, I sell the wraps there <3 Congrats to all the mamas out there, old and new!