Update (Berni)

Original entry here.

My son is now 6 and a half months old and feel worse the ever about my body. I love my son so much and feel so guilty for hating my body as it carried him for for 40+11 weeks. My body created a beautiful 10 lb 10oz baby boy but I can’t accept it. I feel like at 19 years old my body is ruined. The worst thing is I know I’m being stupid but I can’t help it. I don’t understand how over women do it.

Updated here and here.

13 thoughts on “Update (Berni)

  • Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 8:21 pm

    Seriously? It’s so sad to me that you feel the way you do. I think you look absolutely incredible & having 6 month old twin boys (7 lb 6 oz and 6 lb 6 oz) myself and looking pretty much 6 months preggers still I’d LOVE to look like you!! Actually I would of loved to look like you do now EVER :-)! To add to that I then look at your stunning face and gorgeous bubba and really cant understand why you feel the way you do. I hope you see yourself for how I see you soon.

  • Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 9:52 pm

    Oh, I am so very sorry you feel so badly about your beautiful body. One thing–if these feelings are getting worse you may be able to get some help from your doctor. You may be having some post-partum depression that is making you feel far worse than you need to. Your son is simply gorgeous and so are you.

  • Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 11:29 pm

    You are beautiful. As much as a simple comment on a blog ,may or may not confirm or make you feel better about how you feel about youself, I think you are beautiful. I too had my son at 19, and he is now about 6 months and 1 week. We tend to feel guilty about how we scorn our bodies although we literally thrusted a new life, a new being into the world. Embrace your body, it is you temple. GOD makes no mistakes, and certainly theres a reason for everything. Do some soul searching and find out.

  • Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 12:48 am

    It’s hard becuase just becuase you feel that way doesn’t eman you don’t appreciate what your body has done.. or teh love for your baby. But seriously from an outsider’s persepctive.. you really do look amazing.. I can’t even tell you! I would have to agree with another post saying klook into depression. I let mine slip and am dealing with it alot harder 17 months later. I let my body take over my life.. ( you think you sag.. plz.. was my post…. trust me you look great! I hope it gets better for you.. I was 19 when i got pregnant.. I’m 22 now.. and I wish i coudl have been less hard on myself. You look beautiful… you need to realize that on the outside what other peopel are seeing may not be what you are seeing. your gonna have to change what you tell yourself.

  • Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 12:49 am

    sorry for typos it’s late here..

  • Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 9:01 am

    Don’t be so hard on yourself. Your butt and thighs look really great, your abs will go back to where they were before….also, it’s a blessing in disguise that you’re young and your body can bounce back better than it might have if you were older. I agree with what the other girl said about post pardum. My doctor wants to put me on meds now, and i’m still pregnant! But i’ve had a tough pregnancy and I understand how you feel! It’s normal, don’t beat yourself up and give yourself time to work out, eat right and get some good time in for yourself. That will boost your self image too! Rock what you got girl! You look good!

  • Friday, January 9, 2009 at 6:24 am

    Your son has phenomenal eyes, and he got them from you. Looking at the picture of the two of you, the eyes stand out.

  • Friday, January 9, 2009 at 1:22 pm

    You look wonderful. Your butt/hips/thighs are great! Just give your belly some time and toning exercises if it bothers you. And you have a gorgeous kid.

  • Monday, January 12, 2009 at 10:25 am

    I know exactly how you feel. Before my pregnancy I had a beautiful body, a flat tummy, perky breasts and an hour glass figure to die for. My tummy looked just like yours right after I had my daughter. She is seven now, but it only took maybe a year for my tummy to completely down and that was with no exercise. After I started to exercise I got my shape back. I still don’t have my perky breast and I still have stretch marks, but I think I look faboulous and you should think you do too! Give your body some time to get back to it original state after all its only been 6 months. Also start exercising and eating healthy not only will it speed up the process but you will feel so much better.

  • Monday, January 12, 2009 at 10:30 am

    Oh and I can totaly relate to you about feeling like at 19 your body is ruined. I had my daughter at 17 and I felt the same way. I didn’t even get a chance to really enjoy my body. I am twenty four now and I have learned that confidence comes from inside and that we are all beautiful in our own unique ways. I hate that I can’t wear a bikini for my summer trip with my honey but at least I still look good and so do you!

  • Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 2:24 pm

    Thank you for all your kind commenys :) Just to add I had Caden at 18 (didn’t make that clear in the post).When I posted this I was at my lowest point and I feel alot better now. I’ve lost about 7lbs since these pics were taken and I can really see the difference in my belly. What really gets me down though is the saggy skin….:( My original post was called 3 months after 10lb 10oz baby if you want to compare the two. Thank you again for the comments. I love this site – it makes me feel normal.

  • Friday, January 16, 2009 at 9:25 pm

    wow you look great and you’re stunning! I love your belly

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