I don’t have any watermelon-belly photos to share, as they were destroyed by flooding. Pre-pregnancy(ies) I weighed 103lbs, and gained over 30lbs each of three times- all in the belly. One time, a stranger in a maternity store even laughed at my shape. The marks and extra skin left cannot be ditched through any number of crunches, or with any magic cream. But because you have created this site, I can now see that the body changes of a mother, all mothers, are normal. What you’ve created here is a huge gift to mothers and to a community that might expect us to look different. Thank you. The three greatest blessings I ever received are in their teens now, and I am expecting my first grandchild within the year. And here is the current shape of things, the first time I’ve bared my belly in public in many years.

Wow! You look gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing your photos! I remember thinking a few months back that there should be submissions by grandmothers, because they are mothers, too. The man in the store was wrong to laugh at you–he was ignorant, very ignorant. All women carry their pregnancies differently.
I can only hope to look so good when I am a grandmother!