Pre-pregnancy I was not happy with my weight. I hovered around 180lbs for about a couple of years regardless of whether or not I completely looked like it. When I became pregnant I found a reason to not be ashamed of my body and now I love showing off how I look, as much as I’m terrrified at how I’ll look afterwards.

Beautiful pictures! You don’t look fat at all you look perfectly proportioned! Love your tattoo too!
Beautiful and full of spunk, I love it!!! BTW what paint color is that wall?? It is fabulous!
You are beautiful…I love your piercing :)
You’re so freakin’ CUTE!
you are GORGEOUS! i would show it off, too, if i looked that good! ;)
you look beautiful!!! i wish i looked like that when i was pregnant…i looked like a beached whale. you are gorgeous
You should be proud…you look awesome! You say you hovered around 180 lbs–are you tall? I ask because you do not look overweight at all!
Honey, you are cute as a button. I’m sure you looked *almost* as fab before as well.
Beautiful! You look sharp, young, full of spunk and energy – full of life! Beautiful!
You are adorable. Pregnancy agrees with you! Show off that baby belly every chance you get.
hey, you look amazing! Have you had that babe yet!? myspace maybe?
Definately a cutie! Love your piercing
I know this is an older post, but I just had to comment. I’m not pregnant, but I think I have a similar build as you. I’ve got facial piercings and tattoos too, and your picture made me say “OMG, I hope I’m that adorable when I have a baby.”
You are exquisite!
Wow! You sure make one beautiful pregnant woman! Your pictures are gorgeous 8)