Notice the deep bruising along the bottom of my belly? These bruises (and the red marks) are from the anticoagulant injections I must take while pregnant to prevent blood clots. I’ve always been envious of those who can show their bare belly (even an inch of it) during pregnancy. This was a good, low-bruise day for me… and I was on the “good” medication (Lovenox) instead of the “less good” (heparin — which I take more frequently AND produces worse bruises).

I am so sympathetic! I was on Lovenox too and had dark black brusies everywhere. I kept running out of space on my thighs and stomach. It sucks! I’m so sorry for the extra pain you are putting up with, but you look great and soon, you will have a little one who probably wouldn’t be here without those shots. My now 2 year old is so cute and makes me forget about those shots that I’m even considering doing another Lovenox pregnancy! Good luck and take care!
I too, had to endure Lovenox while pregnant. In fact, I did it twice, and back to back. My children are now 2.5 and 1.5, and I NEVER think twice about having to give myself the shots to bring them into this world. Hang in there- I know it’s not fun, but it’s all worthwhile!!!
Yowie! But you look fabulous and that tattoo (henna?) is gorgeous! I hope that your delivery is safe and fast and healthy!
Yes — I certainly understand and sympathize with Lovanox and Heparin bruises in a pregnancy. I’ve had three kids taking these daily shots. I calculated once, about 27 months of shots to have 3 kids. And bruises were par for the course. It ain’t pretty, but they fade away, and the memory of the pain of the daily shots also fades. I think your belly looks great! hang in there!
And when your kiddos get to be teens and say, “You never make sacrifices for me!” you can show them this picture!!
I had to be on Lovenox for my daughter as well (I had 2 stillborns before her), and the bruising was TERRIBLE!!!! I totally understand where you’re coming from. I have to give you MAJOR kudos for posting this. LOVE the henna
What women go through to have a baby! You are such a amazing woman!! Bless you, and your baby!!
I know exactly what you’re going through. I was on 1x/day lovenox shots from the 1st to the 8th month of my pregnancy and then switched to the 2x/day heparin shots. The bruising and pain was so much worse with the heparin. I had to do the shots in my hips b/c my belly skin was so stretched at that point. The swelling was incredible and the bruises were usually a quarter size or larger. Inject slowly! Hang in there!
I began using the Dr Max Powers “Stretch Mark Treatment” every single day about two months ago and it works WONDERS. First you can use it for stretch marks and you can use it for scars and to moisturize your face and neck, ladies!
You must follow the instructions even though they are pretty simple. If I am using this for acne scars, skin discolorations (sun exposure), uneven skin tone I apply either over makeup (may not be recommended as this could remove your makeup)and on a freshly washed face.
I use the lengths of my fingers not fingertips since they produce the oils that could cause you breakouts from YES touching your face. I rub into the affected area or scar (even works on cystic acne scars) atleast two to three times a day when I am able to. But if not I do this at night before going to bed. Be patient and wait one to two weeks before you notice a big difference as the scar gets lighter your face appears to be glowing and skin discolorations slowly fade.
Keep on it atleast everyday. I thought it was only for men who workout – based on the way the product looks, but I am glad I bought this and one bottle lasted me over two months and I used it everyday! Give this product a try, be patient, follow the directions and you will not be disappointed.