5 weeks post birth. Stretch mark and c-section scar city. As a self portrait artist i really wanted to take a picture of my belly, not only for closure but also to point out some of the unrealistic views women have on what their bodies will be like after having a baby. I know – I was one of them. I’m not sad exactly that my body looks the way it does now – more that i didnt appreciate what it was like before my pregnancy.

I agree!!! I wish I took more advantage of my body before baby!!!
*your bra is TOOO cute*
What a beautiful portrait! Thank you for sharing it with us.
What a beautiful and realistic portrayal of a postpartum belly.
I think you look and sound beautiful! I feel exactly the same way in terms of regretting all the time I wasted not liking my pre baby body. I look back now and wish I had rocked a bikini proudly not covering up my flat, mark free tummy. I have two beautiful babies and I couldn’t be happier – however my stomach is full of stretchmarks, c-section scars, saggy baggy twin-skin. I love your photo – you are obviously talented too
Beautiful pic!! This should be up on the SOAM banner as well!! Thank you!
This photo is beautiful. I love how you say you wish you had appreciated your body before baby. I feel the same way. I am fascinated by my body now, after two children but sometimes wish I could go back just for a day to see that pre-baby body.
That is a BEAUTIFUL picture!
I absolutely LOVE this picture!! The confidence displayed makes you look extreamly sexy, stretch marks and all, what a beautiful picture of womanhood.
What a touching photo. Thank you so much for your courage and sharing. Gorgeous.
That is such a gorgeous photograph!!!
I too have a road map of stretchmarks along with a c section scar, I admire your pride you’re great!
That photo looks so peaceful! Your stretchies look so cool and your bra is so sexy.
Thanks for doing that…
Thank you for that picture, I struggle with my body image every day and my child is now 11. This picture was so beautiful, it let me know that I too am beautiful after children