I really thought I would bounce right back after my pregnancy. I had planned to excercise through it but was on bed rest for a lot of my pregnancy due to Pre-E and high blood pressure. I ended up gaining 50 lbs. during my pregnancy and I still have 10 to lose at 3 months post baby. I am covered in stretch marks, I have a saggy flabby belly, and curvy hips. I only breast fed for 7 weeks but because of it my breast sag more than they used to and they are different sizes. I wonder if this belly sag will ever go away. I blame it on having a C-section. My son is very much worth all of this. He is the best thing to ever happen to me and my husband but I can’t help but wonder if my body will ever go back to normal. The first picture is me before pregnancy, the next picture is me in the last few weeks of my pregnancy, and the rest are me at 3 months after pregnancy. You all are beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!!

First of all, thank you for saying that all women are beautiful! You are right! But remember that breastfeeding does not make a woman’s breasts sag, it is pregnancy that makes them sag and stretch and fill with milk. Once you stop breastfeeding (or if you decide not to breastfeed) then your milk dries up and your breasts no longer fill with milk and they lose their volume and sag. Whether you nurse or not, they are bound to sag by pregnancy or just age in general. It’s just something that we have to deal with, being women, being humans…
Congrats on your son and a healthy delivery!!!
Your before and after pics look just like mine. Like you I got a slight hanging tummy due to the c-section, I hope I could have a VBAC this time to avoid it getting worse.
I personally think you look beautiful and your right our babies are totally worth it. Good luck with your little one!!!
Thank you so much. If I could hug you I would do it in a heartbeat. I come on this website everyday and see all of these women that bounce back so fast. I know 16-24 months is not fast but its been 5 years and I have not bounced back and I look just like you look. I just want to say thank you and soon maybe I will post some pictures on here.
You are only three months! It took nine months to gain it so its probably going to take just as long if not longer to lose it. But I think your body looks beautiful look at your little baby, you know it was all worth it. :)
PS- Breastfeeding doesn’t make your boobs saggy. Pregnancy and the sudden increase/decrease in sizes make your boobs sag.
question – where is the scar located? right where your belly starts to hang? it looks like the scar would be high up if it were like that.. but i’m just wondering! i’ve seen the same thing in women before, but I’ve always wondered if the scar was right where the belly started to hang
You look great – good job on delivering a healthy baby through all the probs that came with pregnancy.
Just to let you know, it’s pregnancy that makes your boobs sag – not breastfeeding. They’ll sag after having babies either way.
Tasha: Yes my scar is right under the sag. It’s real pretty, hehe. ;)
Thanks for all the comments. I’m slowly but surely excepting my new body and losing some more lbs. It’s been about a month since I posted those pictures and I’ve lost about 5 lbs. since although my tummy hasn’t improved much I already feel better! :)
Your body looks just like mine and im 4 months PP.
I have the hanging tummy, although i didnt have a c-section.
Wow, we must be long lost sisters! LOL! Your belly looks almost just like mine. I did only gain 19 pounds with my first but I got so depressed about how my belly sagged that I sat at home and ate and gained 60 pounds after I had #2 (gained less than 5 with her). Now Im a mom of 4 and am still 40 pounds over weight and it seems no matter how hard I work at the gym the belly never changes. But you are beautiful and so am I. I th ink you for sharing your body with us because this site has made me realize I am not a “freak.”
You are not alone. We look very much alike. I have had 2 children and dh thinks that I look beautiful. It was very hard for me to hear that – cause I ‘know’ what I used to look like. This is a very natural thing for women and we are beautiful! Before, during ,and after!
My little girl is almost 3 and I still haven’t gotten all my weight off. I have a saggy tummy and big thighs. I also had a c-section which I think helped contribute to the saggy belly. But our kids are totally worth it!!
Oh honey…you are beautiful and the price of the body lost for a baby is nothing. You are still beautiful and you have a child! I am jelous(as a women with baby fever)
Gawd its tough being a woman! i have 2 gorgeous boys ages 14 and 8 years of age had a section with both of them, my belly depresses me so much it looks just like yours that i feel like topping myself! it is constantly on my mind i am sooo concious of it i have spent 2 years in gym and still no improvement think surgery is on cards at some point but my hubby dosnt want me to go there!
My belly and everything looked exactly like that after having a c-section. Its never really gone down all the way. Still sags quite a bit but its kinda like an honorary trophy of sorts. My son was well worth it:)
oh my god you and me are thesame i was very skinny before i got pregnant. i was 110 pounds and i gained 50 pounds during my pregnancy. i lost the weight after year i had him but my body will never look thesame because i have saggy tummy strech marks like hell all over my hips iam ashame to show up my body even around women some women stir at my tummy when i show it up alittle by mistake.
no bikini for me nothing can change my body except cosmetic surgery. but i wont go for it thank you for sharing
i agree with you that all women are beautiful.even if we dont feel like it we all see ourselves differently to others do. my belly is scarred like yours and i feel terrible i cry everyday im 3months pp and i so cant wait until my weight and my marks have faded or go (hopefully).its been 2years since your post has there been any improvement?? iwish this site could make us all return to the way we was as well as making us feel better about our selves.no question we all love our children and wouldn’t even change them.
omg….I feel like I am looking at pics of myself….still beautiful….