Original entry here.
I had my little girl 7 weeks ago today. She was born 1 day after her due date. I let the Dr. induce me after he said “she’s going to be big, over 8lbs” so he broke my water and put me on a pit drip and after 4hrs of labor our 9lb 21″ girl was here! I gained 40lbs and have lost 22 already, that’s just with breastfeeding though. I haven’t had the energy to workout yet. When I do get back into a routine I hope to lose another 20lbs to fit back into my old jeans. I didn’t get any new stretch marks and the old ones are fading again. It is hard to look in the mirror and feel sexy or beautiful but maybe that will come again in time. I’m just amazed once again at what a woman’s body can do! I feel so very blessed to be given the chance once again to be pregnant and deliver and now nurse a healthy new life! I spend so much time now trying to think of ways to teach my girl to love herself and her body no matter what it looks like and teach my boys to honor the women who may come into their lives. Thank you again Bonnie for creating this site for everyone!
1st pic 8 months pregnant, next pics 7 weeks postpartum, pic of newborn baby girl and last pic of nursing babe.

7 weeks PP! You look really good! But I understand the way you feel, because I feel the same way about my body… I look like that a year later with Breastfeeding for a year and NO working out, I only wish I looked liked that 7 weeks PP! Looking at your pics then looking at myself made me realize that I don’t look like I feel because I look like you and
You look great!
I can’t believe that these are 7 week PP pics! You look amazing. I must resist staring at your beautiful baby lest I want another one. ;)
You look amazing for having 4 babies!! congrats on your baby girl!!
What a cutie chubby girl! I love the pic of her bfing. Your body looks really good, especially being only 7 weeks pp. Great job!
Oh, I love that last pic. She’s like “no mom, no pics! I’m eating!!”
You look awesome! 7 weeks post-partum? Congrats on your beautiful baby.
The photo of your baby nursing is making me want another one. She’s adorable. I’m nt quite ready yet, but I will be soon I think. Congrats again. It must be amazing to have a girl after three boys!
You look great! Marked mom!
I just have to laugh about your daughters weight. I’m a little scared about becoming pregnant, because i was over 12lbs!!
So everytime i see babies who where big, I was bigger…:)
you look FANTASTIC… really! You look much better than me, & I’ve only had 1 & that was almost 2 yrs ago!
but really…. like the girl said above me… My son weighted 12lbs2oz & I have to laugh when I hear about other “big” babies.
You look amazing!!! beautiful baby and beautiful PP body. I wish I could look that great after 7 weeks.
You look fabulous! And awww what a sweet, wonderful breastfeeding pic! :D
wow you have great curves….Hot Mama! You have such sweet lil baby girl awwwwwww!