HI! I am a 21 year old mother of one beautiful baby boy! I love your site so much I come to it everyday to find words of encouragement and to see pictures of REAL women. I got pregnat when I was 19 and It has been one year later since I have had my son. The scariest thing to me was gaining the weight and getting the dreaded stretch marks. I have lost all the baby weight and then some, and it is a great accomplisment for me b/c I have always struggled w/ my weight ( I gained 60 lbs w/ my pregnacy also). These pictures were taken in May 07 on our first family vacation and I am very proud of my marks now and they don’t even bother me now, I thought they would, but they don’t, I finnally feel like a real person b/c my whole life I have struggled w/ REALLY bad self esteem and trying to keep up w/ friends and family who were a size 0. Know I know who I truley am a MOTHER and a WIFE, and a WOMAN and I am so proud of that!!!

You look beautiful. You kind of look like Alicia Silverstone! Your son is precious!!
You look amazing. If i saw you on the beach with your baby, i’d be like “wow, did she have that baby??” I love your attitude, and your little boy is adorable!
You look awesome, have an adorable sun and 2 really cute swimsuits!!! I’m so happy you have found peace.
Your son looks EXACTLY like you!!!
You are so beautiful and your son is so gorgeous!!! You are so brave, too–I’m so afraid to even wear a 1 piece bathing suit… My tummy isn’t flabby but my thighs and butt are my concern… all giggly, stretchmarky and stuff… You really have taught me a lesson… thanks! Maybe I’ll go swimsuit shopping tomorrow **gulp** !
You look awesome!! And in a two piece, good for you mama!!! :) And your baby is gorgeous!
yay! I love seeing moms in bikinis! Be proud of your stretchmarks, when you wear them with pride you set a positive example for the rest of the world.