This is me at 16, about 4 months before I became pregnant with my First child. I had him at 17.I am now 22, and married to the Father of my son,and we have since had two other children. SO I am a wife and a mother of three. ages 5, 3, 18m. And my body has certinly taken its toll.

you could seriously be me, except I have only had one baby! I am 22 also with number 2 on the way, im only 5weeks now :)
I must say i am a little worried about what this next pregnancy will do as i already look like somebody who has had many children, but i know its all worth it :)
Wondering though, did baby one make the most difference for you or did it all just add up?
Its funny as im so self consious of myself, yet i look at you (we are almost identical) and think how beautiful you are, and how amazing the marks of motherhood are, congratulations you are beautiful xxx
*this is my profile
My first pregnancy did the most damange. I was a size 1-3 and i was about 110 lbs. I gained almost 60 lbs. with him. And then yes, it added up over time with the other two. My youngest is 18m. and look i still look like i am 8 months i am very self couincous, I hate eating in public, and i am afraid of food. No diests or excerisie has worked as of yet.
we share the the same problems. and same body’s i myself use to model bikinis and my belly looks the same way right now, when bonnie post my pictures take a look at our pics there just the same, u look beautiful, and thank u so much for posting this picture.. xoxo
and i only had 1 child. she was 10pds 9 oz