My husband took this picture of my tummy when i was about 6 1/2 months pregnant. I`m just now coming into my 35 week period . . but i look back on this picture and realize that i wasnt very big nor am i today. I was a very small girl before i got pregnant but at times it seems like things just arent growing like they should be. But then i see women all the time online (( looking for comfort )) that i`m not the only one. I’ve enjoyed being pregnant very very much so and how my tummy has grown its just at times i wish i could have gotten the big ball :-) But none the less the dr`s say that my baby boy is healthy and growing wonderfully so i guess we`ll stand with that thought :-)

Don’t be down on yourself. You are beautiful. To top off you beauty your body has done a wonderous thing, it has created and nurtured a little person. How magnifiscent!
I am a 29 year old divorced mother of a 3 year old. I am short and overweight, I have large purple and blue stretch marks all over my stomach. I was sure that no man would ever want me.
Guess what, it isn’t true! There are lots of wonderful men out there that will love you for *you* just the way you are. My significant other thinks I am the most beautiful woman in the world, stretch marks and all. He thinks I am even more beautiful because I have brought a life into the world.
Don’t sell yourself short, out there in that big somewhere is a wonderful person just waiting for destiny to match you up. When you least expect it it will happen. I promise.
Wishing you love and peace.