I have been searching the web looking for overweight women who are pregnant so I may gain the confidence that I am a normal beautiful woman even if I am larger. Even while browsing, I get the “shes-still-smaller-than-me” syndrome, so I wanted to submit my picture to show that even a large number can have a beautiful body. I weight 345lbs and this is me at 9 weeks pregnant.

I’m 302 and 34 weeks pregnant but I look bigger than you not talking about belly b/c obviously I would be, but I mean everywhere else.
I love the peaceful look on your face. It shows exactly how a mother feels about the miracle in her belly, it’s a magical feeling! Congrats on your new little life! You’re beautiful :)
Very true… we all need acceptance more than change.
Thanks for sharing! You are beautiful and will have a beautiful baby before you know it. Congrats on your pregnancy! :)
Beautiful! Thanks for submitting and good luck with your pregnancy.
I really have to say its great to see other large women on here:) I am almost 11 week pregnant and I weigh 404lbs so gratz to you and be proud of who you are :)
Hi there,
Beauty is all in the attitude and you have a great one so I guess that makes you beautiful. Good luck with your pregnancy and enjoy the amazing journey that is motherhood, it really does knock weight issues into perspective (well it did for me). xx
Oh my gosh! You look so gorgeous!!! I LOOOOOOVE that you are YOU! I love that you submitted your picture and your story. It makes my heart happy (am I quoting Ni Hao Kai Lan? You will too soon! lol)! :) There are plenty of plus size mamas here! Thanks for joining the club!!! Please update us soon! :)
Wow – you look truly lovely, healthy and happy. Enjoy your pregnancy!
I’m a plus sized momma. I was 300 before I got pregnant, gained about 40lbs during my pg, and I’m bigger now, but striding to gain some health now…I would recommend reading some on plus-sized-pregnancy.org, and her blog ‘The Well-Rounded Mama’. It helped me to keep going when I just felt down on myself.
You are a beautiful momma! Don’t forget that!
I love you! We could be sisters we look so much alike! My son, now 5, LOVES having a soft mama to cuddle and snuggle. Moms don’t have to be thin to be great – taking time to look after yourself and your little one are what makes it happen! EVERY woman God made is beautiful – including YOU!!!
Im a plus sized mumma i weighed 140kgs with my 2nd bubba :) You are not alone out there! You are beautiful and congratulations on your pregnancy!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your picture and story. I too am plus sized and have yet to pop out. I just feel fat. But seeing other plus sized beautiful women who are pregnant gives me strength to be myself.
You’re gorgeous :)
THANK YOU! This is AMAZING and I love the way you are admiring your beautiful baby belly! <3 I am the same weight as you and I know exactly what that, ‘still smaller than me’ syndrome is. You have inspired me to post one of my pics so others can see another spectrum of The Shape of a Mother! Have to wait to post my pictures though since we don’t have our pc right now. My husband is in the Marine Corps and their aren’t many women my size as it’s just not ‘socially acceptable’ to have a plus size wife. So I forget that I’m not the only one out their and that our bodies are beautiful too. Much love to you and thank you!
Congratulations on your pregnancy :) Your beautiful!
You look wonderful. I am 300 lbs and have been big all of my life. With my daughter I lost weight (about 15 lbs) and with my son I stayed about the same weight. No one knew that I was pregnant unless I told them, that was the bummer. I am so grateful to god for my children. Thanks for posting your photo, I wish this site was around when I was pregnant.
Holly, thank you for the shout-out to my website and blog, http://www.plus-size-pregnancy.org and http://www.wellroundedmama.blogspot.com.
I would note that I have pictures on my blog of women of size while pregnant, birthing, and breastfeeding, and there will be more to come in the future as well. Check out the plus-size pregnancy photo gallery on my blog, and the breastfeeding photo gallery too.
Thank you for sharing. I am about the same size as you and have felt the same way. This made me so happy that I actually teared up a little. Thank you!!
Being a plus sized woman can be isolating, but never more so than during pregnancy. In reality, you are not alone! My best advice for you is to get a few nice maternity tops asap (they are great for defining a pregnant belly) and pick up the book “Big, Beautiful and Pregnant,” by Dr Cornelia Van Der Ziel and Jacqueline Tourville – a must read for every plus sized mama-to-be. Good luck, lovely lady!
OMG, Thank you so much. I was just searching the web, just as you said you had… and was starting to feel horrible about myself. Looking at your page made me tear and know that everything will be fine :-)
I am just about your size and my husband and I just started trying have a baby a few months ago. I’m 36 and around your weight, so I have been very apprehensive that this could be a difficult journey that will be met with much criticism about my weight from doctors, etc. I just wanted to let you know that I am SO HAPPY you posted your picture; it really gave me so much HOPE and inspiration. Best of wishes for a healthy pregnancy and healthy little one!!
Thank you so much! I weighed 285 when I found out I was pregnant. I’m 15 weeks pregnant and weigh 300. I cried when I hit 300. I came on this site to see pictures of what other plus sized women look like pregnant, because all the other moms in my online support forum post their skinny baby bumps and I feel left out. Your picture made me feel less alone and helped me realize what a blessing it is to have this baby growing inside my body. God bless you!
Thanks so much for this. I too feel the same that many woman who post under plus sized, to me seem so slim. I am bigger than anyone I have seen on this site yet, and am trying to work up the courage to post a photo.
While I’m petite, I truly find you to be gorgeous. Size does not matter, we’re all beautiful, small or big. I hope your pregnancy went well and that you feel completely comfortable in your skin PP.