The first photo is 36 weeks pregnant with twins. The second is 37 weeks with singleton, the third and fourth are 7 weeks postpartum from my final baby.
I used to be a very superficial person. I used to think that my character was based upon the things I had, rather than the things I am. After having children, I understood that my life is not worth less than the person with the brand new car, huge house, or several flat screen TV’s. I may not have all of that but I do have a loving family, fabulous children, a wonderful husband and a roof over my head. On February 22nd, 2005 I gave birth to an angel. She was born a when I was 20 weeks pregnant, a loss due to an incompetent cervix. My body literally failed me. I had a tremendous amount of guilt over something I had no control over. I did nothing to make my cervix incompetent, nothing to make me dilate to 3 cm and my water to break. It took a long time before I truly believed that. 6 months later, we found out we were pregnant again. With twins. While I was immensely happy, I was scared out of my mind. My cervix cannot support the weight of one growing baby, how was it supposed to support TWO? Thanks to a little miracle procedure called a cervical cerclage, I carried my twins to 36 weeks. They were both very breech and born via c-section weighing 7lbs 3oz and 7lbs 6oz. My body made me very proud. Then, I discovered the joy of having “twin skin”. This is the hanging belly of extra skin. The consistency of bread dough. I could actually kneed it. But my body made me proud. When my twins were 15 months old, I found out I was pregnant again. We had planned this pregnancy, but didn’t expect it to happen so soon. Again, I had a cervical cerclage placed. Who would have thought I would go to 39 weeks and deliver a 9lb 10oz baby girl? Again, my body made me proud. Our final baby was born on the 3 year anniversary of our first baby’s death. February, 22nd 2008. Our family has come full circle. What was once a very sad day, has become a joyful one. Society in general is very superficial. Things matter, looks matter, clothing size determines your worth as a person. I hate this. The stereotype that a fat person is unclean, lazy, stupid, etc really makes me angry. I am overweight. I have been my whole life. I am not unclean, I am not lazy (I have 3 kids under 3, I cant be lazy), and I am far from stupid. I hope to raise my children to be loving, caring, and compassionate members of society. I don’t want them to grow up thinking that one needs to have a $900 handbag in order to be successful. Simply untrue. I am a mother, a wife, a lover, a teacher, a cook, a daughter, a sister, an accountant, a maid, an entertainer, a comedienne, a taxi, a personal shopper, a story reader and a boo boo kisser. But most importantly, I am ME. My body makes me proud.

mama, you rule! thanks for sharing! keep loving those babies and yourself!
Well said!! We should all have the same amount of respect for our bodies as you do – the world would be a better place for it!! Take care!
Wow! That’s amazing how God blessed you. He showed you that the twenty second of February is a day of blessings! Congratulations on all of your beautiful children. Thank you for sharing your story. It made me cry. It was so beautiful and so are you!!!
“Society in general is very superficial. Things matter, looks matter, clothing size determines your worth as a person…I hope to raise my children to be loving, caring, and compassionate members of society. I don’t want them to grow up thinking that one needs to have a $900 handbag in order to be successful. Simply untrue. I am a mother, a wife, a lover, a teacher, a cook, a daughter, a sister, an accountant, a maid, an entertainer, a comedienne, a taxi, a personal shopper, a story reader and a boo boo kisser. But most importantly, I am ME. My body makes me proud.”
Thank you so much…this last little bit is incredible. And oh so true…I wouldn’t say that I am superficial, but I do find it easy to fall into that trap (I just spent about $60 on tacky curtains at Value Village because thats all we can afford at the moment…but then I see beautiful homes that are perfectly decorated and designed…*sigh*)
Thank you for sharing your story…I am sorry for the loss you had 3yrs ago…very painful. Congratulations too on the children you do have!!!
thank you :o)
Your essay was beautiful…you should add “writer” to your list! Thank you! And, I think you look fantastic. You have very pretty skin.
Beautiful story, beautiful momma!
You still make me proud to know you.
Great attitude from a very articulate, emotionally mature lady. God bless you and your family.
Wow. I just want you to know I just read your essay and looked at your pictures and I have tears in my eyes. So well said. Thank you for opening your heart to us.
Thank you for the wonderful statement.
I am so fortunate that you are in my life. I ler you.
I came to this site simply out of curiousity after reading about it in a magazine. As a mother of 2 and a personal trainer I have been really inspired by the women I have found here. I just wanted to say that your entry is awesome and I only hope you are able to pass that self worth and high esteem on to your children.
I have to say that having known you makes my life better, and knowing what you went through makes my experiences seem so much more “Happier” because I’m proud of what my body can do! You are a very eloquent writer and your children are privlidged to have you as their mother!
What a beautiful essay. Thank you for sharing it with us!
i am an overweight woman and am pregnant with my first child. i am only 14 weeks along. i have been feelin ugly, fat, and uncomfortable in my own skin. thank you for what you wrote. you have inspired me. MY BODY MAKES ME PROUD!
When I got pregnant with my first child in 2009, I was 5’0 and 102 lbs. I was happy with my appearance. After starting to lose a lot of weight during my pregnancy because of hyperemesis gravidarum (my body was actually in starvation mode), my doctor put me on this rediculous diet where I had to drink Slim Fast Shakes while I ate and gained an amazing 80 lbs. I was only able to lose 20 of that before becoming pregnant again, I was terrified of how this pregnancy was going to treat my body, I’ve been skinny and attractive my whole life. Being 40 lbs over-weight and 13 weeks pregnant is frightening. Thank you for your story, it’s helping me realize that moms have stretch marks, extra skin, extra weight, and everything else. Regardless, we are all still beautiful women.
That was about the most amazing thing I have ever heard, It was so beautiful and so are you, I try and say that to all the people I can. :) You are amazing thank you for sharing.