these are two pictures of my belly. i am a plus size mother or MOS (mother of size). with my first daughter i had a c-sec due to my blind trust in the medical community. the babe in my belly will be a HBAC, or homebirth after cesarian. i had my first in July of 04 and this babe is due July of 07. these pictures were taken at 16weeks and 5 days past LMP.
my belly sags, my guts are pushed up high from my uterus, i have TONS of stretchmarks, and cellulite. but i LOVE my body. i love my curves, i love my mama stripes, as my daughter calls them. i love watching my belly swell and my breasts grow and change. i love my body more now than when i was a size 12 in highschool. it has carried children and nourishes them, and provides comfort and warmth to them. my body is the Goddess in form.

Love your line “I am the Goddess in form.” And you look great.
I look like the Venus of Willendorf but I’ve never had children… oh well.
You go, HBAC Goddess! Me too!
Your body is lovely, pure and smooth with beautiful color. :) No wonder you are proud.
Good luck on the HBAC…we will change the face of birth, one successful homebirth at a time.
Thanks for posting! I am also a MOS and I feel beautiful too!
Its so nice to see someone with such confidence after becoming a mother. I wish I had your confidence! BTW cute tattoo! Is your ring a tattoo 2?