Being so young when I became pregnant with my son, I assumed that my body would return to its “normal” state with a month or two and minimal effort. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how THAT worked out. Now I have a new “normal,” though it has nothing to do with bikinis. My body is perfect – perfect for feeding my son when he’s hungry, comforting him when he is upset, and teaching him all there is to know about his new world.

You are absolutly beautiful!
I love the pride and happiness on your face while you’re feeding your son. You are beautiful!
OMG! I wish more women would post nursing pictures because they are PRECIOUS! You look so happy and your son is just beautiful!
You look great! :)
You and your baby are so beautiful! I read and browse this site daily – I’m 20 wks pg, and looking forward to breastfeeding in May ’08…Thank you for making it look like such a wonderful experience – I can’t wait! Hooray to you for sharing!
I love that nursing picture!!! Beautiful!!!!
I LOVE that last picture- Your boy is so little next to his beautiful mama- surely he knows you’re a goddess!! :)
U look so happy and ur son does to! Thats all that matters. Good luck and have a happy new year!
You look amazing, so beautiful and full of life.
I agree with the otehrs, the pic of you feeding your son is just gorgeous, you look so proud- and you should be!!!
Wow! you look lovely. Every picture you have posted is really stunning but my favorite is the nursing one. Its the best feeling in the world to know that you can feed your baby with your own body. i really cherish the fact that I bf and that there weren’t so many problems along the way. Congrats on your beautiful son, and I love your prosepective on life… and your perfect body. Because it is!