Hey everyone! I had posted some pix of myself a while back of what I looked like after a tummy tuck and breast reduction, but I wanted to add some pregnancy pix to the site. Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures of my body right after I had given birth. I really wish I had taken some. I was too ashamed of how I looked back then, but this site has really helped me to understand just how beautiful we mamas are! The first pix are at 14 weeks and the second ones are at 29. I was pretty uncomfortable at that point!

Original entry here.
What a cute pregnancy belly! You look beautiful.
How big was your little girl?
Hey your not the only one on this site who has considered getting cosmetic surgery done, and you did it which is even braver!!!
Hey if it wasn’t so expensive id’e probably get mastopexy myself, hah i can practically tie my boobs in a knot after 5 months of breastfeeding!
Anyway look, your really beautiful. The impact of the changes having a baby can put on your body and mind are enormous, and its not uncommon for women to get post natal depression, its not uncommon for women to be bullimic anorexic or have body dysmorphic disorders..etc. Its just that they are kept secret by alot of women, unless its obvious (being a stick figure) i am really empathetic towards people who suffer with self esteem issues and problems accepting their bodies. like bonnie said We are a society that expects women to be airbrushed and perfect!! Supermums and all kinds of unrealistic BS!
I think that what you did to fix yourself is a way of coping and gaining that little bit more self confidence back. Good for you girl!!
You are beautiful. I had a tummy tuck done too. For both cosmetic and health reasons. I have no regret. I still have stretch marks and im proud of that.
I wont let me see you’re original entry but i cant imagine you needing a tummy tuck! You’re belly looked so cute and tiny pregnant but congrats. I hope the surgery turned out nice
Sorry: It wont let me see your original entry