I came across this blog a while back and have always been eager to share my story. With 3 anklebiters to chase after, I am finally getting around to it. However, I was not as excited to share a photo with you lovelies! Taking these pictures of myself, it gave me a chance to truly see my body how my husband sees it-a vessel in which our miracles lived and sadly, also died. Recently I have been able to come to terms with this body of mine. I have forgiven it for the death of two of our babies. I have thanked it for the chance to know what life felt like with another human being inside of me! I have forgiven it for not producing milk when my preemies needed it, and thanked it that nursing came so very easily with our first son for 10 months! I have tried to hide my body for so long under clothes and anger, wanting to mask what was really underneath. Sharing and remembering has helped me to realize that there are some other beautiful souls out there who think that you too are beautiful, despite the scars and ugliness underneath. If anyone who reads this needs a fellow mama to talk to, please contact me,I would love to talk to you!! vinsonpartyof5@gmail.com

I think you look great! And what you wrote was beautiful.
hello fellow mamma, I have a one year old son and I am currently 2 and a half months pregnant. congrats on the three anklebiters you have, i hope someday to have three or more of my own. It is good to hear you are comfortable with your belly now, sometimes we just have to learn not to be so hard on ourselves.
“I have forgiven it for not producing milk…”
This resonated within me. I struggled with low milk supply and lost my supply when my daughter was 3 months old. It shattered my heart into pieces and I still mourn, nine months later. Thank you for your entry, for I now realize that I, too, must forgive my body for this failure.
Your body is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing yourself.
You are so thin!!! That was my first thought when i saw this photo. I’m sorry to hear that you lost your babies… I’m glad, though, to hear that you have three little babies running around! What miracles!!!
This website saved my life. I have been agonizing for years over whether or not to have a tummmy tuck. My three miracles took a similar toll on my tummy and I have been hiding and hating myself for a long time. Since no one ever talks about it, I assumed that there were few like me. Although I am not yet bold enough to post pics, I want you all to know how priceless this page is. Thank you for re-invigorating my self-esteem.
This made me cry. I resented my body for not being able to breastfeed my premie baby. I tried for 5 weeks with no luck and under so much stress. Watching my partner bottle feed him broke my heart and made me feel like a failure. 25weeks with number 2, hopefully more successful. Thanks for your story.