Still not the same, but trying to feel OK. (Jessica L)

Going through my pregnancy and having my daughter was an experience I will never forget. Not only was I extremely happy I was also concerned the whole time. I did most of it on my own. My husband left for Afghanistan when I was six months pregnant in Oct. and just got back last week. He got to see the birth through skype and lots of pictures of our baby girl but never of my belly. Since he never saw the stretch marks with my belly actually stretched out he had no idea how many I was going to have when he got home and I was really nervous about what he would say. I’ve never been really skinny. I’m 5’9 and big boned so I have a more athletic structure and always played a lot of sports. I’ve always had my curves and learned to absolutely love them.. Now I have curves still but I also have this belly that partly hangs over my pants and I have thighs that I am still working to get down. When my husband saw he was more intrigued than anything else and didn’t make me feel bad about them at all but I still feel ugly to him. Some days I feel amazing and will dress up and others I feel like I could be doing better and that’s when I just curl up on the couch and watch netflix all day. I just want to be okay with my body and not feel like everyone is judging me when I know I’m the only one.

1st picture-8 months pregnant. Had my girl 1.5 months later- she was 2 weeks later
2-3- belly
4-My little girl getting held by her dad for the first time.

~Age: 20
~Number of pregnancies and births:1 and 1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 4 months PP

6 thoughts on “Still not the same, but trying to feel OK. (Jessica L)

  • Friday, June 1, 2012 at 1:21 pm

    My husband is a Marine who served in Afghanistan as well. =) I can’t tell by the rank as they are too small in the picture, but is he a Marine or a Navy Corpsman on the green side?

    There’s nothing bad looking about your belly, it proves you’re a real woman for giving birth. Don’t beat yourself up over it, from the pictures, it looks like your belly is almost flat and that is great healing up for PP. Your marks are simply beautiful.

  • Friday, June 1, 2012 at 3:53 pm

    You are a very pretty mama. Your belly at 4 months pp looks a lot like mine. Your husband looks like a very happy man with his beautiful gal(s).

  • Friday, June 1, 2012 at 11:00 pm

    You are beautiful, don’t forget it =) it may not seem like it to you but men don’t care about stretch marks as much as women. I was worried about what my husband would say too but he loves me anyway and isn’t going to leave me over a scarred belly. Its just skin, they will lighten up and taking the baby for walks can help tone you. Keep your chin up pretty lady

  • Sunday, June 3, 2012 at 8:35 am

    Please believe me when i say i’m absolutely positive that your husband loves every inch of you more now than ever before, those marks will fade with time as will your insecurities. one piece of advice i can give to, TALK to your husband about everything, no marriage will last without communication, tell him how insecure you feel about things and im sure he will put your mind at ease. remember you are beautiful and enjoy your family.

  • Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 5:35 pm

    I’m also 4 months PP with a little girl, and I think you look wonderful–and I can’t tell you how awed I am that you did so much of it on your own. You’re obviously a very strong woman, and those stretch marks are just outward proof of that fact.

  • Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 11:20 am

    Joell, he is a Cpl in the Marines.
    Thank you ladies :) Since he’s been home he’s been really great. We walk with our daughter pretty much every day and he reminds me almost every night that the marks are fading. I’ve talked to him about how I feel and he does his best to pick me up on days I’m down. I know I’ll never be the same but I’m finally happy with that now :)

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