Collaborative Video Project

By now you’ve probably heard that SOAM is celebrating its tenth year this year. To celebrate, I want to do something I’ve never done before – I want to commemorate our first decade together with a collaborative video featuring YOU! I want to create an inspiring message from our worldwide community to the world. We’ve already made such a difference these ten years; let’s see how much change we can affect in the world in the next ten years!

Who: YOU. You and your kids. You and your mom. You and your friends. Any or all of the above! It would be awesome to get some groups in there. I would LOVE to have videos in all languages to fully express what a diverse community we are! (Just send me a transcript in English or in your native language so that I can translate it and subtitle it in the video.)

What: A short video sent to me with a positive and inspiring message about how SOAM has had an effect on you. You can be real, and you can be honest, but be kind to you. No insults to your body allowed! Don’t say “I hate my stomach, but SOAM helps me feel normal” instead try “I struggle with my feelings about my body but SOAM helps me feel normal”. You can wish SOAM a happy birthday or just talk about how awesome your body is.

When: Videos are due to me by May 30, 2016. Send them to with the subject line “SOAM video project”. I plan to publish the video on July 5th, the actual birthdate of SOAM.

Technical and Legal details: Videos must be in a standard or universal format (anything iMovie can open or convert). No longer than 15 seconds long. By submitting your video you are giving me the rights to use it and/or any part of it and publish it for any use SOAM may have (to share with the media, to monetize on YouTube and thus support the costs of SOAM, etc.). I cannot guarantee that your video will be chosen, but I do plan to make “outtakes” videos with any extras not used in the main video.

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