Due in 12 days! (First Time Mother)

I’m very close to giving birth to my firstborn, a girl. I was about 180 lbs at conception. That’s about 20 lbs heavier than my normal weight, and in a little bout of irony, I was dedicating my summer to exercise in an attempt to get back down to 160, when bam, I got pregnant and sick! extreme fatigue and nausea kept me plastered to the couch for the rest of the summer! and the only food i could enjoy was carbs! so no weight loss for me. i’m now up to 230, or 238 if you believe the scale at the midwife clinic instead of mine. Kinda funny, but i really believed that i could eat for two while pregnant. So i put on weight fast, and by month 7, the midwives advised me to re-think how much i was eating. since then i’ve stopped with the unlimited food intake and only gained a couple more pounds to finish off the pregnancy. it’s pretty shocking to look in the mirror and see this huge belly and huge breasts. i can’t remember when my breasts started sitting on the shelf of my belly. the lower half of my stomach resembles a dry and cracked riverbed of stretch marks. I was convinced for a long time that i wouldn’t get many stretch marks. wrong!! now they are appearing on my inner thighs too, which is a little disconcerting. I’m really looking forward to meeting this baby, but i’m pretty fearful of what my body will look like after birth. I’m not harboring any delusions that my jeans will magically fit right away, but I do really hope that breastfeeding is going to take care of a lot of this extra belly. i’ve also got high hopes that a jogging stroller plus a summer free from work will go a long way to giving me time to re-claim a body that i’m comfortable with.

i’m really curious to find out what this baby girl weighs, as i was almost 9 lbs at birth and my husband was almost 12 lbs!!! maybe this weight is all baby!

~Age: 26
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: almost to 40 weeks.

7 thoughts on “Due in 12 days! (First Time Mother)

  • Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 10:22 am

    You look so adorable! Congrats mama, and good luck with your delivery and new baby girl!

  • Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 1:23 pm

    You Look Terrific! You Body Looks Amazing! Congratulations! I’m 19 and I have two boys. 4 years and 6 months. Even when I was pregnant with my second you could still see my saggy tummy hung under my already huge belly. OH and my boobs have always been saggy but since I’ve had my second they hang down to the middle of my stomach now. So you are very blessed your body looks so GOOD! Keep up the good work. Let God be with you and your baby girl thru your delivery and for the rest of both of your lives. Take Care :)

  • Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 4:57 pm

    Hello, gorgeous mama! You look fantastic! So beautiful! I’m a little jealous, actually. :) I pray for a healthy delivery for you!

  • Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    You look fantastic!!

  • Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 9:01 am

    congrats, let us know when you have the baby

  • Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 10:28 am

    You won’t be able to jog with that jogging stroller for about a year! Talk to your midwives about babywearing. By wearing your baby up high, basically attached to yourself (instead of leaning away from you in a Bjorn), your body gets fooled into thinking it weighs more (you + baby), so you burn more calories! It works out your core muscles, and is great for the legs and butt. Pushing a stroller doesn’t work the core muscles, just your shoulders.
    You look beautifully feminine! Good luck with your delivery.

  • Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 3:50 pm

    You look perfectly slim and attractive in these photos, I think there must be something wrong with the scales you’re using! Seriously, I wish you and your husband all the best.

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